{"id":18601,"date":"2023-09-27T15:47:32","date_gmt":"2023-09-27T12:47:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/?p=18601"},"modified":"2023-09-29T10:08:05","modified_gmt":"2023-09-29T07:08:05","slug":"defining-the-ecosystem-functions-of","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/en\/defining-the-ecosystem-functions-of\/","title":{"rendered":"Dankevych V., Kravchuk I., Topolnytskyi P. Defining the ecosystem functions of ukraine’s forestry using GIS technologies: challenges in the context of european integration"},"content":{"rendered":"

JEL Classification<\/strong>: Q20, Q21, Q29
DOI<\/b>: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V40(2023)-04<\/a><\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

[\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Vitalii Dankevych, <\/strong>Doctor of Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Public Administration and National Security, Polissia National University, Ukraine<\/p>\n

ORCID ID:<\/strong> 0000-0002-0522-2927<\/a>
\ne-mail: <\/strong>

Iryna Kravchuk,<\/strong> Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Polissia National University, Ukraine<\/p>\n

ORCID ID:<\/strong> 0000-0002-3561-6118<\/a>
\ne-mail: <\/strong>

Pavlo Topolnytskyi,<\/strong> Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Polissia National University, Ukraine<\/p>\n

ORCID ID:<\/strong> 0000-0001-7460-1130<\/a>
\ne-mail: <\/strong>

Defining the ecosystem functions of Ukraine’s forestry using GIS technologies: challenges in the context of european integration<\/strong><\/h2>\n


Abstract. Introduction<\/strong>. In the context of modern transformations associated with Ukraine’s European integration, the forestry has emerged as an area of heightened interest and requires an in-depth and comprehensive analysis from the perspective of the ecosystem functions performed by forests. This challenge arises from an insufficient understanding and definition of the role of forests in ensuring ecological stability and the sustainable development of the nation. The importance of the forestry sector in maintaining natural equilibrium, preserving biodiversity, and minimizing the negative impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment is undeniable.<\/p>\n

Ambiguities in the definition of forest ecosystem functions and their importance in the ecological services system lead to an underestimation of their contribution to the country’s resource stability. This often results in the adoption of strategic decisions that may be detrimental to the conservation of the forest resources. Typically, approaches to forest resource valuation lean heavily towards economic benefits, sidelining the ecological and sociocultural dimensions.<\/p>\n

To address this issue, particular attention must be given to the use of GIS (Geographic Information System) technologies in the analysis of forest ecosystems. Nowadays, with the rapid development of digital technologies, GIS tools are becoming essential for an objective assessment of the state of forest resources, their productivity, and impact on the ecosystem. However, in Ukraine, there are challenges associated with the implementation of modern GIS technologies in forestry. These include insufficient staff expertise, limited financial resources, existing legal constraints, and the need to integrate diverse data sources.<\/p>\n

Thus, this paper aims to investigate the ecosystem functions of Ukrainian forestry and their influence on the country’s natural resource stability using contemporary GIS technologies. It also analyzes the challenges arising from the European integration process and suggests possible solutions to ensure the sustainable development of the forestry sector and the natural environment of Ukraine as a whole.<\/p>\n

Purpose.<\/strong> The purpose of this article is to study and define the ecosystem functions of Ukrainian forestry using Geographic Information Systems (GIS technologies) and to analyze the challenges that arise in the context of European integration.<\/p>\n

Results. <\/strong>In today\u2019s global context, where the conservation of nature and the rational use of natural resources are of primary importance, forestry of the Zhytomyr region plays a crucial role. The use of modern Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies enables a more efficient monitoring of forest stands, ensuring their resilience and accurately assessing the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems. Proper management and protection of forests a is essential to preserve the natural environment and ensure sustainable development not only of the region but of the entire country.<\/p>\n

Determining the ecosystem functions of Ukraine’s forests using GIS technologies is an extremely important task, especially in the framework of European integration. Forests in Ukraine perform various functions that are crucial for the country’s ecology, economy, and social development. The main aspects of the importance of defining forest ecosystem functions using GIS technologies and the challenges arising in the context of European integration can be elaborated as follows:<\/p>\n

Forests are key ecosystems that support a wealth of biodiversity. GIS facilitates the identification of essential biotopes, national and global natural heritage sites, and assists in their protective management. Forests modulate the water regime, conserving water and preventing floods. GIS helps to identify water conservation zones and important river basins, ensuring the stability of water ecosystems. Forests play a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. GIS can be used to quantify forest cover and monitor its conservation to combat climate change.<\/p>\n

GIS facilitates the optimization of forest resource management by integrating economic and ecological facets. This promotes sustainable forest use and restoration. Forests provide myriad ecosystem services, including recreation, air and water filtration, and bolstering human health. GIS technologies help to assess and optimize these services.<\/p>\n

In the context of European integration, Ukraine is mandated to comply with standards and requirements regarding nature conservation and sustainable forest resources. GIS technologies facilitate the collection and analysis of data necessary to meet these requirements, promoting transparency and effective management. They serve as pivotal tools for scientific research on forest ecosystems, allowing for the analysis of forest cover dynamics, monitoring of human-induced impacts, and development of forest conservation strategies. In conclusion, the delineation of ecosystem functions of Ukraine’s forestry using GIS technologies is essential for ensuring sustainable development and preserving natural resources. It helps to balance ecological and economic interests under the conditions of European integration and promotes the establishment of more resilient and healthy ecosystems in the country.<\/p>\n

Conclusions. <\/strong>Ukraine’s forestry sector is of vital importance for the country’s sustainable development, especially in the context of its European integration ambitions. Central to this sector are its ecosystem functions, which play a key role in preserving the natural environment and influencing the diverse structure of the country’s economy and society. The application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS technologies) enhances our ability to understand and manage these functions. One of the most important ecosystem functions of the forest sector is the preservation of biodiversity. Ukraine’s forests serve as habitats for a plethora of plant and animal species, and thus play an indispensable role in the preservation of these species and their natural habitats. GIS technologies make it easier to track the distribution of species and monitor their populations, enabling more effective conservation efforts.<\/p>\n

Forests also play a crucial role in water conservation. Their ability to retain water, maintain water balance, and prevent soil erosion is unparalleled. GIS technologies can be used to analyze water flows, assess flood risks, and ensure optimal use of forest resources for water conservation.<\/p>\n

Another significant role of forests is their contribution to combating climate change. By absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, forests act as natural mitigators of global warming. GIS technologies make it possible to monitor the distribution of forests and their contribution to the country’s carbon balance. Beyond their environmental functions, forests also provide sociocultural benefits, offering unique opportunities for recreation, tourism and leisure. They support local community development and job creation. GIS can be used to plan forest parks and design tourist trails.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, the ecosystem functions of Ukraine’s forestry sector are critical to preserving the natural environment and ensuring the country’s sustainable progress. The use of GIS technologies enables more effective monitoring and management of these functions, an important facet in the context of European integration and Ukraine’s commitments to international communities regarding ecological resilience and sustainable development. Informed conservation and forest management policies, coupled with modern technologies, offer great potential for national development and ecological security.<\/p>\n

Keywords:<\/strong> ecosystem functions, forestry, ecosystem services, GIS technologies, forest ecosystems, efficiency, balanced environmental management, European integration.<\/p>\n


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    [\/vc_column_text][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Received:<\/strong> 26 July 2023<\/p>\n

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    How to quote this article?<\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n

    Dankevych V., Kravchuk I., Topolnytskyi P. (2023). Defining the ecosystem functions of ukraine’s forestry using GIS technologies: challenges in the context of european integration. Modern Economics, 40(2023), 29-37. DOI: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V40(2023)-04.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

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    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] JEL Classification: Q20, Q21, Q29 DOI: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V40(2023)-04 [\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Vitalii Dankevych, Doctor of Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Public Administration and National Security, Polissia National University, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0522-2927 e-mail: dankevych2017@gmail.com Iryna Kravchuk, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Polissia National University, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3561-6118 e-mail: teacher_prepod@ukr.net
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