{"id":18738,"date":"2023-12-09T12:08:31","date_gmt":"2023-12-09T10:08:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/?p=18738"},"modified":"2023-12-09T12:08:31","modified_gmt":"2023-12-09T10:08:31","slug":"the-role-of-marketing-innovations","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/en\/the-role-of-marketing-innovations\/","title":{"rendered":"Melnychenko O. The Role of Marketing Innovations in Increasing the Competitiveness of the Enterprise"},"content":{"rendered":"

JEL Classification<\/strong>: M3; D41; O33
DOI<\/b>: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V41(2023)-12<\/a><\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

[\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Melnychenko<\/strong> Olexandr, <\/strong>PhD in Economics, Lecturer at the Department of Enterprise Economics, Accounting and Audit, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University, Cherkasy, Ukraine<\/p>\n

ORCID ID:<\/strong> 0009-0003-4248-4840<\/a>
\ne-mail: <\/strong>


The Role of Marketing Innovations in Increasing the Competitiveness of the Enterprise<\/strong><\/h2>\n


Abstract. Introduction<\/strong>. Innovative marketing is a separate branch of modern marketing based on the use of innovative methods and technologies. The key factor behind the spread of innovative marketing techniques is the full digitalization of Ukrainian society. Internet users in Ukraine actively use various online services such as social networks, search engines, online shopping, online banking and many others. The transition of most customers and potential audiences to the virtual space forces producers to move away from traditional channels of marketing communication with consumers and go online.<\/p>\n

Purpose.<\/strong> The article is aimed at defining the concept and analysing modern scientific approaches to the role of marketing innovations in increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise.<\/p>\n

Results.<\/strong> Digital marketing tools have a number of advantages: such marketing allows immediate and direct contact with the consumer, is targeted and precise. In a relatively short period of time, large multinational companies have realized the need to intellectualize and robotize their marketing tactics. Undoubtedly, in the near future, marketing research will increasingly focus on artificial intelligence. The use of artificial intelligence allows computers to perform tasks that are normally done by humans. Brands can use AI to improve the customer experience, for example, by providing personalized recommendations or automating sales processes.<\/p>\n

Artificial intelligence can optimize operational and tactical marketing; with built-in self-learning capabilities, intelligent systems can deeply and comprehensively analyze existing marketing products and generate suggestions for improving them or launching new ones. Chatbots, for example, can independently find the right answer to a consumer’s question; artificial intelligence is also used in customer segmentation, push notifications, click tracking, targeting, and content marketing.<\/p>\n

The list of innovative marketing tools today is enormous; this article has covered such tools as touch marketing, messengers and social media, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, data analytics, etc.<\/p>\n

Conclusions.<\/strong> The list of innovative marketing tools today is enormous; in this article we have considered such tools as touch marketing, the use of messengers and social networks, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, data analytics, etc. Of course, the list is not limited to the above. In addition, the study allows us to draw several conclusions about the promising vectors of innovative marketing development:<\/p>\n

– Further growth in the use of high technologies;<\/p>\n

– The desire to increase customer loyalty based on innovative marketing approaches such as personalization and segmentation, which will allow companies to improve communication with customers and increase their loyalty;<\/p>\n

– Increased profits for companies that have embraced innovative marketing by optimizing marketing costs and increasing profits. All in all, innovative marketing is an important tool for companies that want to be competitive in the market and succeed in the long run.<\/p>\n

Keywords:<\/strong> marketing; innovation marketing; innovation marketing; competitiveness; digitalization; artificial intelligence.<\/p>\n


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    [\/vc_column_text][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Received:<\/strong> 26 October 2023<\/p>\n

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    How to quote this article?<\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n

    Melnychenko O. (2023). The Role of Marketing Innovations in Increasing the Competitiveness of the Enterprise.. Modern Economics, 41(2023), 79-85. DOI: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V41(2023)-12.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

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    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] JEL Classification: M3; D41; O33 DOI: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V41(2023)-12 [\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Melnychenko Olexandr, PhD in Economics, Lecturer at the Department of Enterprise Economics, Accounting and Audit, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University, Cherkasy, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0009-0003-4248-4840 e-mail: kaf.epoa2016@gmail.com The Role of Marketing Innovations in Increasing the Competitiveness of the Enterprise \u00a0\u00a0 Abstract. Introduction. Innovative marketing is a separate
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