{"id":19056,"date":"2024-06-14T14:05:19","date_gmt":"2024-06-14T11:05:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/?p=19056"},"modified":"2024-06-14T14:05:19","modified_gmt":"2024-06-14T11:05:19","slug":"assessment-of-the-socio-economic-efficiency","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/en\/assessment-of-the-socio-economic-efficiency\/","title":{"rendered":"Naumchuk V. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Efficiency of Land Relations Regulation in Ukraine: Results of a Sociological Study"},"content":{"rendered":"

JEL Classification<\/strong>: H7; Q15
DOI<\/b>: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V44(2024)-19<\/a><\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

[\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Naumchuk<\/strong> Viktor, <\/strong>postgraduate, Polissia National University, Zhytomyr,\u00a0 Ukraine<\/p>\n

e-mail: <\/strong>Vnaumchuk@icloud.com<\/a><\/p>\n


Assessment of the Socio-Economic Efficiency of Land Relations Regulation in Ukraine: Results of a Sociological Study<\/strong><\/h2>\n


Abstract. Introduction<\/strong>. Assessing the socio-economic efficiency of land relations regulation in Ukraine is a complex task that requires a detailed analysis of numerous aspects. In this context, the social aspect encompasses the impact of land relations on the population’s living standards, the accessibility of land resources for various societal strata, and their influence on social stability and justice. The environmental aspect involves analyzing the impact of land use on the environment, the preservation of biodiversity, the condition of soils, water resources, and ecosystems overall. The economic aspect of assessment is associated with the efficiency of land resource utilization, the influence of land relations on economic growth, the development of the agricultural sector, and the investment attractiveness of the land market.<\/p>\n

When conducting such an assessment, it is important to consider the legal framework regulating land relations in Ukraine, including legislation on land management, land lease, land sales, and valuation. Special attention is paid to reforms in the field of land relations, such as the introduction of a land market, which is crucial for determining their socio-ecological-economic efficiency.<\/p>\n

Analyzing international experience and best practices in land relations regulation is also important, as it allows for the consideration of global trends and the adaptation of successful strategies to Ukrainian realities. Integrating economic, social, and environmental indicators allows for the creation of a multidimensional assessment model that contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the impact of land relations on the country’s sustainable development.<\/p>\n

An important element of such assessment is the involvement of stakeholders – government institutions, civil society, academic circles, and representatives of the agricultural sector. This ensures a comprehensive approach and helps to take into account diverse perspectives and interests. Additionally, the use of advanced data analysis methods, such as geographic information systems and econometric modeling, can significantly enhance the accuracy and objectivity of the assessment.<\/p>\n

In addition to analytical work, it is important to formulate recommendations for improving the legislative framework and practices of land resource management. These recommendations should address the need for balanced development of rural areas, ensuring food security, protecting the rights of landowners and users, as well as the necessity of ensuring environmental sustainability and preserving natural resources.<\/p>\n

Purpose.<\/strong> The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate the impact of legislative and administrative measures in the field of land relations on the social and economic spheres of Ukrainian society. The article aims to identify how the regulation of land relations affects the efficiency of land resource utilization, citizen satisfaction with their needs, and the economic development of the country. Additionally, the research aims to identify problematic areas in the current system of land relations management and develop recommendations for enhancing its effectiveness based on data from sociological surveys.<\/p>\n

Results.<\/strong> The research conducted involved a thorough analysis of the socio-economic efficiency of land relations regulation in Ukraine, examining a wide range of aspects influencing this sphere. Among the key dimensions of assessment, the social, ecological, and economic aspects were identified.<\/p>\n

The social aspect of the assessment encompasses examining the impact of land relations on the overall standard of living of the population, particularly how the accessibility of land resources affects different social groups, and how these relations contribute to or hinder social stability and justice. This aspect also includes an analysis of the ways in which land relations can contribute to strengthening or undermining social cohesion and economic prosperity within communities.<\/p>\n

The ecological aspect involves a comprehensive analysis of the impact of land use on the environment, including the preservation of biodiversity, soil conditions, water resources, and overall ecosystem health. The importance of this aspect lies in determining land use practices that minimize negative environmental impacts, promote sustainable development, and ensure balanced use of natural resources.<\/p>\n

The economic aspect of the research evaluates the efficiency of land resource utilization in the context of its impact on economic growth, the development of the agricultural sector, and the overall investment attractiveness of the land market. The analysis of economic priorities identified among respondents underscores the need to ensure financial stability, particularly through mechanisms such as land acquisition and access to credit resources, which become especially relevant in times of war and economic instability.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, the research conducted among participants in land relations in the Zhytomyr region revealed that 41% of respondents express the necessity for modifying existing legislation to effectively conclude land reform. They point to the awareness of the need for further changes to adequately regulate land relations. This confirms that, despite progress made, the legal system requires additional measures to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders.<\/p>\n

Additionally, 26% of survey participants believe that current legislation is insufficient for the successful implementation of reform, highlighting significant gaps that may complicate the establishment of an effective land market. The survey regarding the prioritization of legislative projects showed the greatest support for spatial planning projects (21%), indicating the need for clear zoning and territorial regulation. The importance of ensuring access to financing is underscored by support for the Credit Guarantee Fund bill (19%), while transparency in land auctions and decentralization of land resource management are recognized as priorities by 17% and 14% of respondents, respectively. These data indicate the diversity of opinions regarding key aspects of legislation necessary to conclude land reform, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to land relations regulation.<\/p>\n

Conclusions.<\/strong> The conclusions of the study confirm that assessing the socio-economic efficiency of land relations regulation in Ukraine is a multifaceted task, encompassing social, ecological, and economic aspects. The importance of the regulatory framework and reforms, particularly the introduction of a land market, underscores the need for a balance between agricultural sector development and sustainable land use. International experience indicates the significance of adapting global trends to domestic conditions, while the use of modern analytical methods can enhance assessment accuracy. Involving stakeholders ensures a comprehensive approach to land resource management.<\/p>\n

Surveying participants in the land market revealed that 41% of respondents believe that existing legislation needs refinement for the effective completion of land reform, indicating the awareness of the need for further changes to adequately regulate land relations. This underscores that despite progress made, the legal system requires enhancements to safeguard the interests of all parties. Additionally, 26% of respondents consider current legislation insufficient for reform implementation, citing significant gaps that may hinder the establishment of an effective land market. The survey on legislative project prioritization showed the highest support for spatial planning projects (21%), reflecting the need for clear zoning and territorial regulation. The importance of ensuring access to financing was emphasized by support for the Credit Guarantee Fund bill (19%), while transparency in land auctions and decentralization of land management were recognized as priorities by 17% and 14% of respondents, respectively. These findings indicate diverse opinions on key legislative aspects necessary for completing land reform, underscoring the importance of a comprehensive approach to land relations regulation.<\/p>\n

The state of war in Ukraine has created additional challenges for the agricultural sector, affecting economic stability and the social structure of rural areas. The need to ensure financial stability, adapt to changes in local government interaction, and reform the legal framework during wartime is crucial to support agricultural businesses. The research points to the necessity of an integrated approach that combines economic feasibility, social responsibility, and legal clarity, with a particular emphasis on wartime conditions. Improving existing and developing new legal mechanisms that account for current and future risks is essential to ensure the stability and development of the agricultural sector.<\/p>\n

Keywords:<\/strong> land relations, regulation, institutional framework, state governance, sociological study, impact of war.<\/p>\n


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    How to quote this article?<\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n

    Naumchuk V. (2024). Assessment of the Socio-Economic Efficiency of Land Relations Regulation in Ukraine: Results of a Sociological Study. Modern Economics, 44(2024), 116-125. DOI: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V44(2024)-19.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

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    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] JEL Classification: H7; Q15 DOI: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V44(2024)-19 [\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Naumchuk Viktor, postgraduate, Polissia National University, Zhytomyr,\u00a0 Ukraine e-mail: Vnaumchuk@icloud.com Assessment of the Socio-Economic Efficiency of Land Relations Regulation in Ukraine: Results of a Sociological Study \u00a0\u00a0 Abstract. Introduction. Assessing the socio-economic efficiency of land relations regulation in Ukraine is a complex task that requires a detailed analysis
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