{"id":9911,"date":"2018-09-20T12:35:34","date_gmt":"2018-09-20T09:35:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/?p=9911"},"modified":"2018-09-20T13:34:08","modified_gmt":"2018-09-20T10:34:08","slug":"features-of-organization-and-methodology","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/modecon.mnau.edu.ua\/en\/features-of-organization-and-methodology\/","title":{"rendered":"Romaniv Yevgen, Kravichshin Irina, Features of organization and methodology of accounting policy development at the present stage of enterprises functioning in Ukraine"},"content":{"rendered":"

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1\/2″][vc_column_text]JEL Classification<\/strong>: \u041c 40.[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_column][vc_column width=”1\/2″][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

DOI<\/strong>: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V10(2018)-19<\/a><\/p>\n


Romaniv Yevgen<\/strong>,<\/strong> PhD in Economics, Full Professor, Head of the Department of accounting and auditing of the faculty financial management and business, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine<\/span><\/p>\n

Kravichshin Irina<\/strong>,<\/strong> master of specialty 071 \u00abAccounting and taxation\u00bb, Department of accounting and auditing of the faculty of financial management and business Ivan Franko National University of Lviv<\/span><\/p>\n

Features of organization and methodology of accounting policy development at the present stage of enterprises functioning in Ukraine<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Abstract. Introduction<\/strong>. In the modern conditions of management for each enterprise, an important place in the implementation of financial and economic activities is given to the question of the accounting policies formation.<\/p>\n

Purpose<\/strong>. The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of organization and disclosure of the methodology of developing the accounting policy of Ukrainian enterprises at the present stage in business processes.<\/p>\n

Results<\/strong>. Obligation to formulate the accounting policy of the company is established in accordance with the legislation. Summarizing the approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the concept of \u00abaccounting policy\u00bb, we believe that accounting policy should be understood as a set of rules, methods and procedures for accounting, which ensures compliance with a single method of mapping business operations, compilation and reporting, taking into account the generally accepted principles and specifics of the enterprise\u00a0 in order to obtain complete, objective, reliable and impartial information for the adoption of sound and sound management decisions. The main purpose of the accounting policy is to provide the qualitative and quantitative accounting and economic information of the management process of the production system and determine the procedures that an enterprise uses to compile and submit sound financial statements. Accounting policies should be based on the inherent accounting and general organizational and managerial principles. In addition, it must be drawn up taking into account the general requirements that apply to the accounting policies of the enterprise. The experience of domestic enterprises indicates that the choice of accounting policy depends on the specifics of the activity of each particular enterprise. And its development is carried out in several stages, the main ones are: organizational, preparatory, study of external and internal conditions and factors influencing the economic activity and accounting policy, the final one. Implementation of accounting policies may include involving a wide range of actors: a chief accountant, a specially created commission, an internal control department, an owner or manager of an enterprise, specialized consulting and audit firms. The current accounting policy is issued organizational and administrative document – an order on accounting policies, approved by the head of the enterprise. However, there are other options for documenting the accounting policies of the company: the provisions of accounting policies, organizational and administrative documents, other internal documentation. The enterprise may, at any time during the reporting year, change (supplement) the accounting policy at its own discretion. In domestic and international accounting practices there are two methods for reflecting the consequences of changing accounting policies (retrospective and promising).<\/p>\n

Conclusions<\/strong>. Thus, as a result of the study, it was substantiated that accounting policies are very important for the enterprise.\u00a0 Prospects for further research in this area are the identification of the main problems of the accounting policies formation by enterprises in Ukraine and the improvement of the procedure for developing accounting policies taking into account the current needs of users of accounting and financial information, as well as European experience and legislation.<\/p>\n

Keywords<\/strong>: accounting; accounting policy; order of accounting policy; principle of consistency.<\/p>\n

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  5. Olijnyk, T. V. (2010), \u201cFeatures of the formation of accounting policies of enterprises in transition to international standards of financial reporting\u201d, available at: http:\/\/www.nbuv.gov.ua\/portal\/Soc_Gum\/Ekpr\/2010_35\/Zm\/25PDF.pdf (Accessed 01 July 2018).<\/li>\n
  6. Kulyk, V. A. (2014) Oblikova polityka pidpryjemstva: nabutyj dosvid ta perspektyvy rozvytku<\/em> [Accounting policy of the enterprise : acquired experience and development prospects], RVV PUET, Poltava, Ukraine.<\/li>\n
  7. Ghevlych, I. Gh. and Ghevlych, L. L. (2012), \u201cAccounting policy within the framework of accounting system of modern construction enterprise\u201d, Zbirnyk naukovykh pracj Bukovynsjkogho universytetu. Ekonomichni nauky<\/em>, vol. 4, pp. 68\u201376.<\/li>\n
  8. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (1999), \u201cAccounting Standard 6 “Correction of Errors and Changes in Financial Statements\u201d, available at: http:\/\/zakon5.rada.gov.ua\/laws\/show\/z0392-99 (Accessed 02 July 2018).<\/li>\n
  9. International Accounting Standard 8 \u201cAccounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors\u201d, available at: http:\/\/zakon5.rada.gov.ua\/laws\/show\/929_020 (Accessed 02 July 2018).<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n
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    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1\/2″][vc_column_text]JEL Classification: \u041c 40.[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_column][vc_column width=”1\/2″][vc_column_text] DOI: https:\/\/doi.org\/10.31521\/modecon.V10(2018)-19 [\/vc_column_text][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Romaniv Yevgen, PhD in Economics, Full Professor, Head of the Department of accounting and auditing of the faculty financial management and business, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine Kravichshin Irina, master of specialty 071 \u00abAccounting and taxation\u00bb, Department of accounting and auditing of the
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