JEL Classification: А10, В49, С50, D11. | DOI: |
Odnoshevnaya Olga, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Management of Financial and Economic Security, Dniprovsky State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4244-0031
Gubaric Olga, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Management of Financial and Economic Security, Dniprovsky State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3296-2074
Functional Provision of the Economic Mechanism for the Regulation of the Production of Fruit and Berry Products
Abstract. Introduction. Modern development and effective regulation of the process of fruit and berry production in modern realities is impossible without the development and implementation of a quality economic mechanism. Taking into account the theoretical aspects of the functioning of economic mechanism, we note that the economic dictionary covers the mechanism as a sequence of processes states that determine any actions, phenomena, system, device, which determines the order of any kind of activity.
Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to study the essence, components, and functions of the economic mechanism of regulation of the production of fruit and berry products.
Results. As a result of the study, theoretical aspects of the functioning of the economic mechanism of fruit and berry production in the context of the peculiarities of its formation were created and generalized. Organizational and economic mechanism of innovation activity of enterprises, as well as any other mechanism, should be based on a set of principles that would be expedient to form at domestic horticultural enterprises. According to leading scholars, it is very important to achieve ease of approach that would ensure the applicability of these principles for practical purposes, as managers of domestic horticultural enterprises need simplified approaches to solving complex and multi-level tasks. A functional mechanism for the production control of fruit and berry products in modern conditions was also developed. In view of the study, it is worth noting that the current state of the economic mechanism of regulation of the production of fruit and berry produce plays an important role in the development of the gardening industry. We believe that the presented recommendations will optimize the process of determining the components of this mechanism and improve its functional purpose.
Conclusions. Taking into account the conducted research, we consider it advisable to state that the current state of the functional provision of the economic mechanism of regulation of the production of fruit and berry produce plays an important role in the development of the horticultural industry, which becomes a prerequisite for raising the level of economic development in general.
Keywords: economic mechanism; fruit and berry products; functions of the economic mechanism; components of the economic mechanism.
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Received: 18 April 2019
How to quote this article? |
Odnoshevnaya Olga (2019). Functional Provision of the Economic Mechanism for the Regulation of the Production of Fruit and Berry Products. Modern Economics, 14(2019), 206-210. DOI: |