JEL Classification: M 11. | DOI: |
Kozakevich Antonina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Economics and Management of Education, Rivne Oblast Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ukraine, Rivne
Synergistic human capital management paradigm
The modern stage of social and economic development is characterized by the transition from the economy of industrial capital to the knowledge economy. The carrier and source of the key factor in production in such circumstances becomes a person. Man is in the center of the socio-economic system both as a consumer and as a producer. The human factor serves as the main reserve for the development of production, a leading factor in the development and stability of the economy. In such circumstances, the issue of managing human capital as a basic condition for ensuring economic growth, as well as economic and social development, becomes a matter of great importance.
The article deals with the synergetic approach to the management of human capital focused on the fundamental changes in the economy, social structures, culture and politics, which are conditioned by the introduction of society in the information age. The dependence of effective development of the enterprise on the strategy of human capital management, purposeful policy on its formation and development is shown.
The analysis of the reform process through the prism of synergistic bifurcation involves the strict consideration of regulatory parameters of development, the development of alternative scenarios and the assessment of political and social risks for each of them in order to timely identify the role of random factors that can provide disproportionately high impact in the bifurcation zone. And most importantly, the synergetic approach aims at developing a strategy for the organization’s development at a higher level of management, for strengthening the spiritual and moral foundations of the team, which should perceive the process of change as a condition for moving to a new state.
Keywords: synergetics; bifurcation; paradigm; human capital; development; management.
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Received: 25 March 2019
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