JEL Classification: A13; E20; E22; E24. | DOI: |
Shylovtseva Nadiia, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Accounting and Audit, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4276-9235
Modernization of Employment as a Condition for Increasing the National Labour Market Competitiveness
Abstract. Introduction. The conditions for a competitive environment, the formation of an innovative type of economic model and ensuring the macroeconomic stabilization of the country should be achieved through the reproduction of the relevant market form of employment. The globalization of socio-economic life leads to the creation of international corporations and joint ventures, which generally have a positive impact on employment and determine the need to ensure competitive advantages in the labour market. The efficiency of their implementation depends on the ratio of supply and demand in the labour market and the quality of labour. The mechanism of for the formation of competitive advantages in the national labour market greatly contributes to the high level of labour utilization and effective employment. The crisis phenomena in the economy restrain its structural transformation, generating such negative features of the labour market as the existing nature of employment, the inconsistency of the dynamics of employment with the requirements of time, and the general conjuncture of the labour market. At the same time, under the influence of competition, there is a decrease in labour demand, a shadow of employment, an increase in the differentiation of labour income, and a reduction of jobs, including those for skilled labourers. The need to eliminate negative phenomena leads to further study of the mechanism of state employment regulation in the context of the conditions for competitive labour market formation.
Purpose. The purpose is related to the justification of the mechanism of the state employment regulation under the conditions of the economy structural and sector transformation, and the formation of its competitive environment. The mechanism must rely on the economic and social aspects of employment, taking into account its current forms in the system of social and labour relations, a system of indicators of the level of employment of the population, and promote the implementation of non-standard forms of employment.
Results. The implementation of the state policy of employment requires the improvement of labour legislation, ensuring the compliance of the Ukrainian legislation on labour with international legal norms. The modernization of employment primarily requires taking the following measures:
- improving the system of monitoring and forecasting in the labour market;
- stimulating the economic activity of the population, that is distributing powers in the field of labour market regulation among the state, regional, and local authorities; in particular, introducing a clear legislative distribution of powers, responsibilities and financial and economic base between the national and local levels; and transferring the centre of labour resource management to the local level;
- ensuring the balance of professional education, considering the demand for labour;
- improving the quality of workplaces due to the growth of production and the implementation of the latest high technology in the Ukrainian economy, the development of new types of activities, for employees – the work process diversification;
- optimizing the mechanism of action in the labour market by eliminating the imbalance between supply and demand, thus achieving their flexibility and interaction.
Conclusions. The mechanism of state employment regulation should be aimed at using various means of influencing the labour market. This includes measures for the technical re-equipment of production facilities of enterprises, the modernization of industrial production and technologies, the introduction of high technologies in the leading branches of the economy, and the promotion of industrial production of national enterprises in domestic and foreign markets.
Keywords: employment; labour market; the mechanism of the labour market regulation; the mechanism of raising employees’ professional and qualification level; labour market competitiveness; unusual forms of employment.
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Received: 28 May 2019
How to quote this article? |
Shylovtseva N. (2019). Modernization of Employment as a Condition for Increasing the National Labour Market Competitiveness. Modern Economics, 15(2019), 211-217. DOI: |