JEL Classification: R 13, R 50. | DOI: |
Popova Irina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy Department, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2962-9040
Demchenko Nataliya, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy Department, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5915-0087
Implementation Tools for Integrated Territorial Communities: Foreign Experience
Abstract. Introduction. One of the most important factors of modern state-building in Ukraine is the improvement of the public administration system at all levels of the administrative-territorial structure in the country. The imperfection of local government in Ukraine, its inconsistency with European standards and principles, necessitates the search for ways to reform. Any reform in the country of learning and using the experience of other countries is a prerequisite for successful reform.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of developing tools for the implementation of integrated territorial communities.
Results. The competences of local governments in EU countries are examined. Implementation tools for integrated territorial communities have been identified to assess the socio-economic development of the community for investment attractiveness. It has been proved that the integration of territorial communities should be based on the principle of multicriteria, since the main participants in the formation, functioning and further development of the community are people who are united in a team to achieve a common goal, which is to develop the territorial community in order to improve the quality of life.
Conclusions. Society will be able only if each of its members clearly understands the possibility of improving the standard of living within the community than existence outside of it. The study has shown that there is a number of criteria, including spatial, temporal, demographic, labor, cultural, historical, financial, that should be considered when integrating territorial communities. It is proved that the main instruments of implementation of united territorial communities are area, population (including demographic structure), income level, level of spending, financing structure, structure of economic entities by types of activity and level of income, number of objects of social infrastructure, employment and community unemployment, etc.
Keywords: united territorial community; implementation; tools; criteria; communes; municipalities.
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Received: 27 January 2020
How to quote this article? |
Popova, I. & Demchenko, N. (2020). Implementation Tools for Integrated Territorial Communities: Foreign Experience. Modern Economics, 19(2020), 155-161. DOI: |