JEL Classification: G18; G23; G28; Q13. | DOI: |
Chechotkin Volodymyr, Postgraduate student of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Kherson, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2075-1886
Prystemskyi Oleksandr, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Kherson, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9743-3563
Investment Policy and State Support is a Guarantee for Sustainable Development of the Agrarian Economy Sector
Abstract. Introduction. The article analyzes the importance and impact of financial policy on the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy, in particular through investment and government support. The agricultural sector helps to strengthen the economy and meet the needs of society. The unfavorable investment climate and imperfect financial policies in Ukraine are a threat to food security and indicate that economic levers need improvement.
Purpose. The study of the impact of financial policy through investment and government support on the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy. Determine the directions of implementation to improve the mechanisms and focus of financial policy in view of the present.
Results. It has been determined that the financial policy contributes to the increase of financial resources, which continue to meet the needs of agricultural producers. In addition, financial mechanisms contribute to: improving market relations; provide economic growth; increase financial control and more. One of the areas of financial policy is investment. The basis of investment is the economic activity of households that provide reproduction and savings. Investors can make their investments at the expense of: profits, cash savings, bank loans, loans from the state and other sources. The state, by regulating investment activity, stimulates the development of the economy of the country and improves the social level of the population. In order to preserve an attractive investment climate and protect investors, the state needs to guarantee investor rights to invest so that the latter are not requisitioned or nationalized. As the agrarian sector is the key to Ukraine’s food security, this sector must be supported by the state and facilitate the development of agriculture. State support should be: targeted and ongoing, assist in financing programs for the development of the agricultural sector, develop infrastructure, provide scientific and staff support, etc.
Conclusions. Given the results of the study, it is imperative to reform the economy of Ukraine and provide the agricultural sector with the necessary management mechanisms, and make attractive conditions for potential investors, for the economic growth of the state and population. A competent and balanced financial restructuring policy, both of the entire economic system in Ukraine and of the agricultural sector, will be contribute to raising the general standard of living.
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Received: 05 March 2020
How to quote this article? |
Chechotkin, V. & Prystemskyi, O. (2020). Investment Policy and State Support is a Guarantee for Sustainable Development of the Agrarian Economy Sector. Modern Economics, 20(2020), 291-295. DOI: |