JEL Classification: H32, H39 |
DOI: |
Kryhan Yurii, graduate student, European University, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7283-9687
The Essence and Architectonics of the Fiscal Space of the State
Annotation. Introduction. The objective civilizational processes of modern times transform national economies, significantly influence the formation of a new paradigm of state development as a competitive participant in interstate communications in the global dimension. The financial relations in the state, which are the result of its financial policy, take place in the search for coherence of the interests of its internal subjects. Taxpayers are trying to reduce the tax burden, citizens need quality public goods as a fair result of tax refunds, and the state is trying to effectively replenish resources, the main source of which is taxes, to fulfill its functions and develop competitive participation in the interstate communications of the globalized world. Under these conditions, the fiscal space is formed, the essence of which still remains unclear.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive substantiation of the theoretical foundations of the essence and architecture of the fiscal space of Ukraine.
Results. It has been proved that the transformation of the fiscal space of the state is a systematic change in the essential properties of the environment of interaction between the subjects of fiscal policy, aimed at effective mobilization of budget revenues and their rational use to obtain a positive impact on socio-economic development and welfare. It has been substantiated that the fiscal space belongs to the components of the public finance system, including revenues, expenditures and borrowings.
Conclusions. In our opinion, the main idea of the transformation of the fiscal space is in two equally important areas: its effective formation for the allocation of additional financial resources and effective use to increase the efficiency of reasonable areas of budget expenditures. In these interconnected processes, a balance is sought between the divergent interests of the state and taxpayers as the main subjects in the fiscal space. This balance can be achieved on the basis of established public trust, which is an important indicator of a harmonious society.
Keywords: fiscal space; transformation of fiscal space; fiscal space architectonics.
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Received: 14 September 2020
How to quote this article? |
Kryhan Y. (2020). The Essence and Architectonics of the Fiscal Space of the State. Modern Economics, 23(2020), 74-79. DOI: |