JEL Classification: M 21; I 19. |
DOI: |
Brychko Alina, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Public Management and Administration Department, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4902-1403
Internet technologies in health care institutions
Abstract. Introduction. With the accelerated scientific and technological progress, the further introduction of Internet information technologies in various areas of health care is becoming increasingly important. Recently, we have gained positive experience in the use of information technology in the management of health care facilities, computer diagnostics (including telemedicine diagnostics), in medical education and science. The current stage of development of society is formed under the strong influence of Internet technologies, which have come to all spheres of human activity, see the spread of information flows for society, forming a global information space. It is difficult to find an area in which Internet technologies are not currently used. Today’s Internet information technology is increasingly used in the field of health care, which is convenient, sometimes just necessary. In a large number of medical studies, it is simply not possible to work without the use of special software. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the theory and practice of the medical field.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the use of Internet information technologies in health care facilities, which increases the effectiveness of management decisions.
Results. The article considers the concept of information Internet technologies in health care facilities. Along with the ability to use digital equipment in healthcare facilities, Ukraine is developing an electronic system of interaction between doctors, patients and medical institutions eHealth. Problems related to the introduction of medical information Internet technologies in health care facilities as a basis for modern information support and management decisions in health care and identify possible ways to solve them.
Conclusions. The availability of available information will allow to regulate issues related to the implementation of coordination policies of various departments in the field of health, significantly improve doctors’ awareness of the latest effective Internet information technologies in medical institutions, significantly affect the speed and quality of health data. of the patient, methods of treatment, to provide medical measures of preventive and educational character, and also to influence administrative decisions of the management.
Keywords: internet technologies; information technologies; information space; healthcare facilities; electronic systems.
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Received: 15 October 2021
How to quote this article? |
Brychko A. (2021). Internet technologies in health care institutions. Modern Economics, 29(2021), 24-28. DOI: |