Nosan Natalia, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economic Security, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkassy, Cherkassy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4005-8333
Development of Organizational Culture of Higher Education Institution in Context of Ensuring its Competitiveness
Abstract. Introduction. Higher education institutions are a multicomponent centers of professional development of future specialist and centers of formation of human and social capital of country. An important condition for ensuring the competitive functioning of education institution, its ability to increase spiritual and intellectual potential of country is the development of organizational culture of institution. Organizational culture is a collective characteristic of the socio-psychological environment of educational institution, formation and development of which is determined by adaptability to external changes. Effective organizational culture contributes to the achievement of intellectual and cultural social goals by clearly defining the mission, goals and development strategy of higher education institution.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is investigation the formation and development of powerful organizational culture of higher education institutions and presentation of its role in achieving competitive advantages of organizations at educational services market.
Results. The essence of organizational culture of higher education institution is investigated. The views of scholars on interpretation of the terms «organizational culture» and «corporate culture» are presented and generalized. There is noted that organizational culture is a basis for formation of corporate culture of organization. Factors influencing the formation and development of organizational culture of higher education institution are identified and characterized, such as: professional activity of management, personal and professional development of teachers and students, macroeconomic environment, structural and organizational characteristics of institution. The influence of organizational culture on achievement of higher educational institutions’ competitive advantages due to improvement of effective indicators of educational and scientific activity is presented. Modern tendencies in educational services market caused by migratory moods of youth, aging of the population are presented. The main measures to improve the organizational culture of higher education institutions at different levels (administrative, teaching, student and service) are described, which will increase the competitive position of organization.
Conclusions. Organizational culture is very important for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of educational, scientific and cultural processes of higher education institutions, uniting the values, goals and norms of behavior and communication between all participants in educational process, regardless of positions and social roles. The full development of organizational culture of higher education institutions requires the coordination of values, skills and abilities of all representatives of organization to achieve a synergistic effect.
Keywords: organization; organizational culture; higher education; competitiveness; migration.
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Received: 25 October 2021
How to quote this article? |
Nosan N. (2021). Development of Organizational Culture of Higher Education Institution in Context of Ensuring its Competitiveness. Modern Economics, 29(2021), 130-135. DOI: |