JEL Classification: Q18. |
DOI: |
Halkin Vasyl, Senior Lecturer, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4685-9630
Methodology for Determining the Effectiveness of State Regulation of Agricultural Production
Abstract. Introduction. The article highlights methodical determinations of the effectiveness of state regulation of agricultural production, taking into account the creation of state food reserves. Problematic issues in the procurement of food products for state needs according to certain exchange rules are reflected. The results of research by scientists on state planning according to the main parameters of regulating the development of all agricultural production, the methodology of which is programmatic planning, are given. The category of arguments for the need for state regulation of the agricultural market, which are primarily related to the food security of the country, is singled out. In general, the state of state support for product manufacturers in European and other countries in the light of modern integration processes is indicated.
The components of the elements of the budget program, groups of performance indicators of such a program, as well as how such indicators should be determined and confirmed are defined. Conclusions were made regarding the fact that the basis of state support for the production of agricultural products is a program-target method, which should ensure the effectiveness of the use of budget funds and the food security of the country.
Purpose. The main goal of the study is the economic essence of determining the effectiveness of state regulation of agricultural production, determining the main directions for ensuring the effectiveness of the use of budget funds and development of conclusions.
Results. The essence of determining the effectiveness of state regulation of the production of agricultural products is given, and the state of state support for commodity producers in European and other countries is indicated. According to the results of research by scientists regarding state planning, the methodology is programmatic planning, which will contribute to the harmonious combination of public and personal interests on the basis of the implementation of the state program for regulating the development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine. This approach is based on state support for the production of agricultural products, which is primarily associated with the country’s food security. It is also determined that effective indicators contribute to qualitative and quantitative analysis of the state of implementation and implementation of relevant budget programs in terms of targeted financial support.
Conclusions. are made regarding the relevance of state regulation of agricultural production, the methodology of which is based on the program-target method. The performance indicators reflect the effectiveness of the use of budget funds, the ratio of achieved results and expenditures under specific budget programs.
Keywords: program-target method; agricultural products; state regulation; food security.
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Received: 16 July 2022
How to quote this article? |
Halkin V. (2022). Methodology for determining the effectiveness of state regulation of agricultural production. Modern Economics, 34(2022), 28-35. DOI: |