JEL Classification: L31; L51 |
DOI: |
Smolych Dariia, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of management, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6444-9486
Activities of the system of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine in the direction of liberalization of the conditions for conducting economic activity
Abstract. Introduction. Business support organizations play a decisive role in the success of small and medium enterprises in developing countries, because they protect the interests of business entities in interaction with the authorities, carry out active activities in the direction of liberalization of business activities, and provide a wide range of professional services, including experts, both to members and to the entire business community of the country.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the activity of the system of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine in connection with the liberalization of business.
Results. The work of chambers includes interaction with government officials, legislators and regulators to shape the legislative and regulatory landscape in a way that maximizes benefits for members and business as a whole. At the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as at the regional chambers, there are various sectoral committees of entrepreneurs, which contribute to economic growth, development of innovations, development and coordination of activities of entrepreneurs in various industries. Through the developed network of entrepreneurial committees at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry systematic and effective work is carried out in the direction of improvement of business conditions, in particular: participation in the development of state target programs; preparation of proposals on formation and changes in the state economic, tax and customs policy, on issues of foreign economic cooperation and improvement of general business conditions; discussion of projects of normative legal acts on business issues by representatives of business circles; formation and reporting to the authorities of current business problems and proposals for their solution.
Conclusions. In the context of business liberalization, chambers of commerce and industry are not directly involved in the creation of laws and regulations, but their organized lobbying can be effective in influencing regulators and legislators. The functional possibilities of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry with regard to the liberalization of business are: participation of the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the composition of committees, commissions under the authorities; participation in the preparation of laws and regulations; analysis of legislation and organization of monitoring of its observance; protection of the rights and interests of business.
Keywords: non-govermental organisation; the system of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine; liberalization; business; entrepreneurship.
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Received: 21 February 2024
How to quote this article? |
Smolych D. (2024). Activities of the system of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine in the Direction of Liberalization of the Conditions for Conducting Economic Activity. Modern Economics, 43(2024), 102-109. DOI: |