JEL Classification: J24; J29; M12 |
DOI: |
Shapka Iryna, graduate student of the Department of Management and Finance, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1171-6445
Yashkina Natalia, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Finance, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1521-8462
The Role of the Personal Competencies of the Employee in the Development of the Personnel Potential of the Enterprise
Abstract. Introduction. One of the main components of the economic potential of the country, regions and enterprises is the personnel potential. The main resource of the human resource potential of an enterprise is each individual employee, whose work productivity affects the efficiency of the whole enterprise, its competitiveness and innovative development. The development of the country’s labor potential is a key condition for the creation of a high-tech, innovative national economy, the improvement of labor relations, and the solution of social problems. In order to remain competitive, companies must pay special attention to the workforce and have effective methods of developing its potential, in particular, the introduction of measures aimed at developing the personal skills of employees. Therefore, this situation requires constant control over the implementation of innovative development and use of personnel potential at the enterprise level, as well as at the state level.
Purpose. The research is aimed at revealing the essence of the concept of personnel potential, features of existing approaches to the structure of personnel potential, factors influencing its development, and identifying areas of work of personnel services that contribute to the disclosure of the personal potential of the employee as a component of the personnel potential of the enterprise.
Results. The article presents the concept of “personal competencies” of an employee. Areas of work of the human resource service that contribute to revealing the potential of an individual employee are considered and disclosed in more detail. Assigning a key role to the personal competence of the employee in the context of the development of the human resources potential of the enterprise, three main directions of its formation are defined. Approaches to revealing and developing the personal competencies of the employee are suggested.
Conclusions. One of the most important aspects of successfully developing the potential of employees in the company is the role of personal skills of employees. The ability to communicate effectively, work in a team, accept responsibility, take initiative, and resolve conflicts are key to increasing productivity and efficiency in the organization. In addition, personal skills contribute to the development of leadership qualities, the establishment of internal order and the creation of a positive atmosphere in the workplace. Thus, investing in the development of personal skills of employees is an important element of the company’s strategy for achieving success and increasing competitiveness in the market.
Keywords: human resource potential, employee, potential development, human resource potential structure, development factors, personal competencies.
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Received: 22 March 2024
How to quote this article? |
Shapka I., Yashkina N. (2024). The Role of the Personal Competencies of the Employee in the Development of the Personnel Potential of the Enterprise. Modern Economics, 44(2024), 226-232. DOI: |