Dubinina Maryna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, The Head of the Department of Accounting and taxation, Mykolayiv national agrarian university, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Syrtseva Svitlana, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Department of Accounting and taxation, Mykolayiv national agrarian university, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
In the work the necessity, feasibility and prospects for practical development of entrepreneurship as a way of forming innovative infrastructure of domestic enterprises. It is established that entrepreneurs to should be considered as a method of control within the operating enterprise, which allows to combine the interests of enterprises and workers, to stimulate their initiative. The use of entrepreneurship allows you to keep enterprise enterprising professionals, giving them the opportunity to do business based on innovation. Determined that the introduction of entrepreneurship in the enterprise with the aim of ensuring its innovative development is of strategic, technological and financial benefits. The organizational features of introduction of system of entrepreneurship at individual, group and strategic levels. Given the necessary conditions and basic principles for the promotion of development of entrepreneurship as the formation of innovative infrastructure of domestic enterprises.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovative development, innovative infrastructure, intra-firm relationships, innovation potential.
JEL classification: O 31, O 32.
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