JEL Classification: H55, I39
Demkovich O., PhD Student, Department of Economics and Management, Lviv National University by Ivan Franko, Lviv, Ukraine
Introduction. A social program should mean a set of specific projects that are generally aimed at achieving strategic goals and addressing a particular social problem, using the principle of efficient management of budget funds.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods of checking the cash income of individuals and households and the effectiveness of targeting social programs.
Results. As a result of the study, the following methods of solving targeting problems were presented and analyzed: assessment of the degree of need of a person, household (direct and ballroom methods); Assistance to target groups of the population; self-selection of recipients of targeted assistance; Assignment of assistance on a geographical basis; Assignment of assistance to members of certain territorial communities.
Conclusions. As a result, it should be noted that the provision of targeting precisely with the help of the ball method has a number of advantages that determine the feasibility of its application in social assistance programs, which is the role of the social security network in Ukraine. These benefits are listed below: the use of the ballistic method can reliably replace the calculation of income of Ukrainian households from agricultural activities for the purpose of providing targeted social assistance; the ball method provides good transparency and accuracy of referral to those who really need it and is characterized by high cost efficiency; the system based on the ball method is more open and less costly with from the administrative point of view in comparison with the methods of direct estimation of the material state of households; ensuring targeting of social assistance using the ball method fully meets the specifics of socio-economic development of Ukraine.
Keywords: social programs, social assistance, effectiveness of social programs, methodology of indirect assessment of incomes
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