JEL Classification: O 31.
Posnova T., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine
Introduction. Currently in the world theory and practice, a fundamentally new concept of social development based on understanding of creativity as a key factor of innovative economy has appiaved. On the basis of predictions of different authoritative international organizations in the next decade a large part of GDP will be generated mainly due to the creative factors of production. It is considered that the creative capital will be the core of human resources in creative economy. The leaders of the socio-economical and scientific-technical progress will become those countries which will master the science of creative management of socio-economic development in innovation economy.
Purpose. The purpose is to investigate the essence and features of creative human capital as a factor for the development of innovative economy.
Results. This article has the aim to present the classification of industries, which operate the creative human capital, namely, activities related to basic, interrelated and indirect industries. Due to this classification the analysis of human resources, which are employed in creative sector of Ukraine, is also given.
Characteristic features of representatives of the creative class are:
- sensibility to new knowledge, that are becoming the main mean of production. Striving for being aware of all new technologies, innovations, achievements of science in various spheres;
- exchange of knowledge with others, that becomes a creative process and is not the printing-down of already worked out algorithms;
- work on the joint of different spheres of knowledge and different professional spheres, that actively promotes the competitiveness of representatives of creative class at the market of labor and makes them unique specialists;
- easy adaptation to the changeable world that requires the ability to refuse from already existing operating ideas in order to promote the new ones;
- mobility, that needs readiness to change job, residence, in behalf of career, professional promotion, ability to do work which is interesting;
- an unwillingness to belong to formal organizations, to remain free – lancer, a free hunter;
- high self-esteem qualities about personal demand at the market of labor that assists in active displacement in search for workplace.
Creativity (creative skills, creative activity and creative approach) is ability to generate unusual ideas, refuse from the traditional ways of thinking, quickly and effectively to carry out an intellectual breakthrough in the process of coping with problem situations.
To the most well-known forms of creativity display belong:
- innovations that bring fundamentally new ideas;
- inventions which are creation anything new, unknown before;
- discoveries – something that is set again, invented.
By creative economy we mean the complex of socio-economic relations, which rise concerning the production, distribution, exchange and consumptions, which are based on non-standard, unconventional, uncopiable ideas, concepts and strategies, events that provide the effective solution to socio-economic problems on the basis of new knowledge and fundamentally new decisions.
Basic factors, which determine creativity of a human capital, are from one side, such personal qualities such as mobility, ingenuity, constructiveness etc. On the other hand are life experience and individual knowledge of personality in the specific field.
One of basic roles in the process of development of creative human capital plays the direct investment in education (studies and professional preparation and retraining of cadres), in medicine, scientific and technical progress and innovations, mobility of human resources.
Conclusions. The article makes recommendations for the development of new theoretical and practical methods and approaches to stimulate rational and efficient use of creative and intellectual capital as the main factor of formation of innovative economy. In particular, the establishment of special programs to support the development of creative intellectual services, products and startups, as well as attracting of foreign experts to hold national creative capital in Ukraine are showed in this article.
Keywords: creative human capital, intellectual potential, innovative economy, creative sector, creative economy.
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