JEL Classification: М 40 |
DOI: |
Hnatiuk Alla, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, “Rivne Professional College of National University of life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine”, Rivne, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8743-1932
A New Look at the Classification of Non-current Tangible Assets During a Crisis
Annotation. Introduction. Creation of an efficient property management system is one of the main problems for the enterprise management system. The effectiveness of such a system is directly determined by the quality of information used for management. Among the tasks, which an economic entity faces, a special place is occupied by the classification of objects of accounting. Financial and tax indicators depend on its solution at a particular enterprise. In order to properly organize the economic activity of an enterprise, it is needed to know what funds it has and in what these funds are invested (placed). Therefore, the division of enterprise resources into separate groups is necessary to understand and summarize the accounting information used for financial statements.
Purpose. To ensure the usefulness of information on the availability of non-current tangible assets, which is provided to users in the way of classification, the article defines the qualitative characteristics of the classification of non-current tangible assets (relevance, objectivity, reliability, content, comparison) and studies their essence.
Results. The research suggests a critical assessment of existing approaches to the criteria for grouping non-current tangible assets in order to define differences between them. This has made it possible to clarify the content of the criteria for recognizing non-current tangible assets as assets of the enterprise (criteria of economic benefit, value reliability, and control). This clarification deepens the understanding of the nature of non-current tangible assets as objects of accounting.
Conclusions. The research has investigated the classification of non-current tangible assets from the normative-legal and scientific points of view. It has summarized the criteria applied in accordance with domestic and foreign legislation for the classification of non-current tangible assets. The research has substantiated the importance of improving the existing classification of such assets for accounting purposes. The research has also improved classification of non-current tangible assets according to the following criteria: the ability to bring economic benefits (long-term, immature) and the method of use in the production process (consumed, fruitful), which will significantly improve the structuring of enterprise assets.
Keywords: classification; resources; criteria; non-current tangible assets; fixed assets; long-term biological assets.
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Received: 13 January 2021
How to quote this article? |
Hnatiuk А. (2021). A New Look at the Classification of Non-current Tangible Assets During a Crisis. Modern Economics, 25(2021), 46-51. DOI: |