JEL Classification: В 49, D 89, O 18. | DOI: |
Naumenko N. Yu., PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, State Higher Education Institution «Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology», Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0585-932X
Analysis of economic research areas in the field of information security
Abstract. Introduction. The article considers the concept of information security in the economic sciences. The role of information security in economic sciences is determined by the ability of the means and methods of information security to confront the threats to the economic integrity of the state, regions and organizations.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the methodology of economics when studying information security problems and defining the tasks that are solved within the framework of economic research in the field of information security.
Results. The research of scientists in the fields of security, economic security, and information security at macro-, meso- and microlevels have been analyzed. It has been established that goal-oriented economic research in the area of information security at the regional level are lacking. The work analyzes the methodology of economic sciences in the study of information security problems. The tasks that are solved within the framework of economic research in the field of information security are defined. General scientific methods and mathematical methods when investigating information security problems are presented. The paper analyzes the problems solving the economic research areas in the field of information security. Among the main tasks a considerable prominence should be given to the study of the phenomenon of information as an economic resource; opposition to the threats of using information security potential; assessment of the cost to introduce information security tools at macro, meso, and micro levels; calculation of the cost of information security system possession; reduction of information risks; defining new information risks; creation of information risks insurance system, etc. As a field of economic science research within the framework of information security, the following spheres have been distinguished: interaction of the concepts «information security and the state», «information security and the region»; «information risks»; and «information technologies».
Conclusions. It has been established that economic research areas play an important role in solving information security problems. According to the author, in the future the synthesis of two scientific areas will increase as the society and state of Ukraine move to the information stage of development.
Keywords: information security; information; information risks; economic research areas; information resources.
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Received: 24 July 2019
How to quote this article? |
Naumenko N. Yu., (2019). Analysis of economic research areas in the field of information security. Modern Economics, 16(2019), 115-120. DOI: |