JEL Classification: G01, G34.
Repushevskaya Yulia, Сandidate of Economic Sciences, lecturer of the Department of Economics, Law and Business Management, Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5763-777х
Analysis of Methods for Assessing the Value of Enterprises Undergoing Restructuring
Abstract. Introduction. In modern conditions of management restructuring an enterprise is a mechanism that is directed to increase its efficiency and competitiveness. The acceleration of the pace of globalization leads to the growth of business, which, in turn, raises interest in assessing the value of enterprises. The most adequate indicator of the results activity, which allows to take into account as indicators enterprise activity, and changes in its composition property is an estimate of the value of the enterprise. Management enterprise, which is based on maximization its value is one of the most effective. The process of restructuring is to ensure the efficient use of productive resources, which leads to an increase in the value of business. The main purpose of the restructuring – the search for sources of enterprise development with the help of internal and external factors.
Purpose. Substantiation of theoretical aspects of enterprise restructuring, comparative analysis of methods of valuation of enterprises undergoing restructuring.
Results. The theoretical aspects of the enterprise restructuring are substantiated, a comparative analysis of the methods of estimating the value of the enterprises is carried out and the characteristics of them being restructured are presented. These management measures are aimed at maintaining the stability of the financially unsuccessful enterprise. The principles of valuation activity under which the valuation of property and property rights of enterprises undergoing restructuring is considered. The advantages and disadvantages of the main methodological approaches to valuation of property and property rights are revealed, the mathematical formulas concerning estimation of enterprise value are given. It is considered that each business is special and the restructuring project can meet the needs and capabilities of usually only one enterprise. The opinion is expressed in relation to the necessity of adhering to a certain mechanism and consistency in the course of the regular stages of restructuring for any enterprise.
Conclusions. Summarizing the description of methodological approaches to assessing the value of integral property complexes, we note that in accordance with the requirements of domestic legislation, the value should calculate the value of the enterprise in all three approaches, but if the value cannot calculate the value of the business by any of the methodological approaches given, he must prove it.
Keywords: restructuring; valuation of enterprises; cost (property); profitable; comparative approach.
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Received: 13 December 2018
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Repushevskaya, Y. (2018). Analysis of Methods for Assessing the Value of Enterprises Undergoing Restructuring. Modern Economics, 12, 173-178. DOI: |