JEL Classification: L 60; L 62; M 41. | DOI: |
Chernobrovkina Svitlana, Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Marketing, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6309-6466
Analysis of the Activity of the Machine-Building Industry in Ukraine
Abstract. Introduction. Machine-building is of great importance for strengthening the economy of Ukraine and its formation as an independent, highly-developed state. The structure of machine-building includes the production of machinery, the production of electrical, electronic and optical equipment, and the production of vehicles. The need for an analysis of the activity of machine-building enterprises is due to the link between the level of economic development of the country and the level of its development of machine building.
Purpose. The main objective is to analyze the structure, the volume of sold products in various sectors of Ukrainian mechanical engineering enterprises, as well as the efficiency of their functioning.
Results. Production of general-purpose machinery and equipment and metal-working machinery and machine tools occupies the largest share (37%) in the structure of realized products of machine building enterprises in Ukraine. The smallest share is occupied by the production of computers and electronic and optical products (8.28%).
The maximum volume of products sold to enterprises falls to 2017, and the maximum profit was in 2012. The worst result of the enterprise was achieved in 2014. The profitability of machine-building enterprises after 2013 has rapidly decreased, and only in 2017 has gained a positive value.
Conclusions. The machine-building complex of Ukraine was in a difficult state, first of all, due to the global financial crisis and internal problems in connection with military actions in the eastern part of the country. Mechanical engineering is very vulnerable in the context of the economic crisis due to its complex technology-intensive production, a long process cycle and deep integration and industrial cooperation with other enterprises in different countries. In addition, the production of mechanical engineering is the main means of production, which, under crisis conditions, are updated, and accordingly, paid for the residual principle. The volume of unrealized production of mechanical engineering enterprises is increasing. This is due to the underdeveloped system of product promotion to consumers. This can be improved through greater use of communication activities.
Keywords: machine-building industry; machine-building enterprises; realized products; financial result; profitability; unrealized products.
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Received: 02 March 2019
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Chernobrovkina Svitlana (2019). Analysis of the Activity of the Machine-Building Industry in Ukraine . Modern Economics, 14(2019), 290-295. DOI: |