JEL Classification: L16, L23, M21 |
DOI: |
Ivanenko T., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Business Organization, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0518-2563
Porudeyeva T., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Researcher of the Mykolayiv State Agricultural Research Station of the Irrigated Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Andriushchenko I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Business Organization, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Assessment of Grain Production Development of the Black Sea Region of Ukraine
Abstract. Introduction. Grain products are among primary food resources and the most important source of income for agricultural producers, suitable for transportation and long-term storage, which makes it possible to form insurance and reserve funds; serves as the main source of raw materials for a number of branches of food and processing industries. Market reforms, which also affected the grain food subcomplex, provided all the conditions for its dynamic development. However, the grain farming in its development has increased the existing gap in comparison with the level of productivity of the grain industry in the countries – the largest producers of agricultural products. Currently, the grain economy of our country is characterized by an extremely extensive level of its management.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to consider the theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations to ensure the effective functioning of the grain industry of the Black Sea region in the context of grain farming.
Results. Analyzing the changes in the volume of gross regional product of the Black Sea region in the economy of Ukraine during 2013-2019, there is a tendency to active development of the Black Sea region of Ukraine. According to the grouping of agricultural producers of the Black Sea region, due to the average production costs per 1 ha of grain crops, it is proved that in almost every eighth enterprise in the region the increase in gross production is not repaid by increasing costs per 1 ha. The analysis of total imports and exports of grain products of the Black Sea region shows that the total exports of all types of grain and grain products are declining and there is a tendency to increase imports of this crop.
Conclusions. It is proved that the main condition for the effective functioning of the grain industry is the introduction of resource- and energy-saving technologies that will save material costs, increase yields while improving soil fertility. The issue of improving the infrastructure of the grain market remains important, which will minimize the number of available intermediaries during the implementation, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the final results of economic activity of grain producers in the Black Sea region.
Keywords: grain production; Black Sea region; production; market; profitability; efficiency; market infrastructure.
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Received: 19 November 2020
How to quote this article? |
Ivanenko T., Porudeyeva T., Andriushchenko I. (2020). Assessment of Grain Production Development of the Black Sea Region of Ukraine. Modern Economics, 24(2020), 69-74. DOI: |