JEL Classification: R 40; R 42. | DOI: |
Ksandinov Nikos, Postgraduate student of the Economics and Finance Department, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1844-4836
Classification of Investments in Port Infrastructure
Abstract. Introduction. The port industry requires significant investments in infrastructure facilities, which are characterized by capital intensity and long payback periods. Therefore, it is very important to determine investment needs and carefully plan investments, taking into account the specifics of the industry, the structure of investment objects and their purpose.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to clarify the concept of investments in port infrastructure and improve their classification, taking into account the structure of port assets and modern trends in the development of the industry.
Results. The structure of tangible and intangible assets of port companies was defined. The interpretation of investments in port infrastructure was clarified. The classification of investments in port infrastructure according to the purpose of investment and infrastructure objects has been improved.
Conclusions. The study of the structure of port assets has made it possible to define investments in port infrastructure as investments in tangible and intangible assets, including objects of general use, regardless of the form of ownership, which ensure the activities of all participants in the port territory for the service of ships and passengers, cargo, transport and forwarding works, as well as other related types of economic activity, as a result of which an economic and/or social and environmental effect is achieved. The proposed classification of investments in port infrastructure by objects and purposes, which combines the approaches used in the EU countries and the legislation of Ukraine and takes into account the trends of investment activity in the industry, provides for the allocation of three main groups of investments – in port infrastructure for general use, in the infrastructure of port terminals, and in the infrastructure of other types of activities on the territory of the port.
Keywords: sea ports; investment; port infrastructure; port terminals; tangible and intangible assets; transport; port industry.
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Received: 16 November 2024
How to quote this article? |
Ksandinov Nikos, (2024). Classification of Investments in Port Infrastructure. Modern Economics, 48(2024), 56-62. DOI: |