JEL Classification: G 38, H 50, O 13, Q 14
Sus T., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian national university, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
The paper deals with the factors influencing the prospects of the agrarian sector development in Ukraine. It is noted that in the general plan, Ukraine is in the zone of risky farming and this factor must be taken into account when financing the innovative development of the agrarian sector of the economy. The development of industrial production in modern conditions is a prerequisite for the innovative development of the agrosphere through the creation of modern high-performance equipment for agricultural production, use of advanced technologies and modern equipment in the food and processing industries, equipment for conducting research works, introduction of IT. A significant aspect for the innovative development of the agrarian sector is its financial support by the industry, as a producer of growing returns. The necessity of transition to the economy of moderation, which should be based on the principles of the proximity to economic equilibrium, is substantiated, which can be achieved by giving priority to types of activities with increasing profit, in view of the processing industry, which will allow to use more efficiently the types of activities with decreasing returns and to finance their innovative development. It is proposed to consider the agrarian sphere from the position of balanced, long-term ecological and economic development. The article provides an analysis of financial instruments in the framework of the systematic approach to the development of innovations in the agrarian sector.
The result of using the systematic approach to financing innovative development of the agrarian sector is the construction of a financial and economic mechanism for ensuring the priority innovative development of the region. Extended reproduction in agriculture takes place in the process of interaction of economic, social and natural-biological processes.
Keywords: agrarian sphere, innovations, financing, innovative development, financial security.
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