Shpykuliak О., doctor of economic sciences, professor, deputy director for scientific, organizational and innovative work, National scientific center «Institute of agrarian economics», Kyiv, Ukraine
Khodakivska O., doctor of economic sciences, head of department land relation, National scientific center «Institute of agrarian economics», Kyiv, Ukraine
The contents of the concept and theoretical and methodological foundations of Forsyte as a creative methodology for forecasting the future of scientific and technological development and socio-economic processes in society are disclosed.
It is substantiated that the Forsyte methodology is a technology of expert strategic planning, the main task of which is to anticipate the future, long-term prospects of scientific, technological and socio-economic transformations. It is argued that it is an innovative system of scientific and technical predictions of socio-economic development and an adequate managerial response to global challenges. Foresight is a methodology for forecasting, which is used to form an expert view of changes in the life of humanity possible in the future, the formation of a consolidated view of the future.
It is established that the methodical basis of Forsythe’s functional fundamentals is the methods: Delphi; Critical technologies; Panels or task forces of experts. The purpose of the practical application of Forsyte is a comprehensive long-term forecast, which will point to the existing problems, the resource component, the prospective trends in the development of the national economy and its innovative provision. The necessity of using Forsyte forecasting in studies of agroeconomic processes is substantiated, it is possible to constructively assess the challenges facing the domestic agrarian sector and to envisage possible development scenarios, which will make it possible to clearly define the strategic directions of the state agrarian policy.
Keywords: foresight, forecasting, expert strategic planning, system of scientific predictions, foresight methods and tools.
JEL classification: C 53; F 37
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