JEL Classification: O15; Z10. |
DOI: |
Kuznetsova Nataliya, PhD in Economics, Head of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Marketing Department, Cherkasy State Business College, Cherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3121-6221
Creativity and Creativeness: Multi-Aspect Content
Introduction. The creative human capital is an important public resource in today’s conditions of the world economy development. The people who know how to create and creative are valuable for the economy and business.
Purpose. The author of the article aims to examine the existing scientific concepts of the creative work development and, on the basis of their generalization, to form the multi-aspect content of the essence of the concepts of creative work and creativity.
Results. In the article a multi-different analysis of the essence of the “creative work” and “creativity” definitions from the point of view of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy and economics has been done. It has been determined that the creative work is the universal ability of a human being to make the ideas and to carry out creative activity (to create). The ability to create is determined by the type of human thinking, its imagination, emotions, sensations, intelligence. Every person can make any creative activity, but not everyone can creative i.e. to find the original ways to solve any life situations. That is why the term “creativity” is considered by the author as a unique talent of a human being, his ability to search and apply non-standard, non-usual techniques, approaches, ways and methods for solving various problems. This universal feature of human activity is useful and necessary for both a society and a person himself, as it forms the social and economic value both the human capital and the creative products and services, which have been created in the process of any creative work.
Conclusions. Thus, creative work and creativity under the modern conditions of development is a particularly valuable public resource and an important component of the labor force competitiveness at the labor market, because it provides certain competitive advantages and influences on the formation of its value.
It is necessary to continue searching the factors of the development of creative human potential, to study the peculiarities of the main type’s formation of thinking and models of the behavior of the creative people, their social role and significance.
Keywords: human resources; professional development; creative work; creativity; multi-aspect value.
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Received: 11 April 2019
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