JEL Classification: I 22, I 28, O 10, O 30, O 38. |
DOI: |
Burdonos Lyudmila, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finances, Accounting and Taxation, SHEE “Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky GPU named Gregory Skovoroda”, Pereyaslav, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-1084-0826
Vynogradnya Vita, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Chair of Finances, Accounting and Taxation SHEE “Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky GPU named after Gregory Skovoroda”, Pereyaslav, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-9028-6772
Current State of Science Financing in Ukraine
Annotation. Introduction. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and develop mechanisms for financial support for the development of science and scientific and technical work in Ukraine, because the main feature of the processes taking place in the modern world is the global integration of economy, science, education and social welfare. Ukraine, as an independent state, lives in an interconnected, interdependent world. The defining priority of the development of our state is education and science. The most important parameters that characterize the country’s scientific resources, knowledge-intensive economy, include investment in science and education, financing of innovation processes. In today’s rapidly changing conditions of globalization of economic life, highly developed countries, where science plays the role of the main economic and reproductive factor, ensure their development by improving existing technologies, techniques and the use of fundamentally new scientific advances. The analysis of the theoretical basis and state of financial support for the development of science and scientific and technical work of higher education institutions and research institutions of Ukraine allowed us to draw conclusions: the intersectoral mechanism is proposed as a system of elements of organizational, economic forms and levers of allocation, research, creation of scientific developments, transfer, accumulation and greater infusion of private and business funds into science and education, which ensure the development of science and scientific and technical work in general. The priority areas for improving the technological structure of Ukraine’s economy include the following: focusing on increasing the scale and expanding the range of promising technologies in the middle and final stages of the technological cycle, providing increased growth of value added processing of primary resources; elimination of resource losses due to inconsistencies between technology components, which is possible through the modernization of existing technologies on the basis of innovations associated with previous and such technologies; change of economic and investment policy in the direction of creating more investment attractiveness for the middle and final stages of the technological cycle.
Keywords: financial support; science; scientific and technical works; institutions of higher education; integration; investments.
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Received: 05 January 2021
How to quote this article? |
Burdonos L., Vynogradnya V. (2021). Current State of Science Financing in Ukraine . Modern Economics, 25(2021), 21-26. DOI: |