UDC 330.331
Plaksyuk E., PhD, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine
In the article the current state of research cluster theory of the economy, the problem of creating economic clusters as share innovative system formed to increase the efficiency of its operation. Analyzes the theory underlying the use of clusters as a form of regional development and research publications both foreign and domestic authors, revealing some aspects of the formation or performance of the cluster formations, problems of development and implementation of cluster policy.
The purpose of the article is to study and synthesis of scientific achievements and justification of the main provisions on the feasibility of the establishment and functioning of clusters as a means of development of relations between subjects of economy and state institutions According to goal the following objectives: to study the phenomenon of cluster economy deeper meaning and structure of the cluster model and the conditions of its formation and continued existence.
The essence of this process is to increase productive capacity, competitiveness and economic development, facilities management through a combination of research and production capabilities in the cluster association.
A characteristic feature and advantage of cluster formations is that the focus is not on individual enterprises, and the relationship between enterprises and institutions that make up the cluster. A relationship built primarily on the principles of cooperation, openness, trust and long-term contractual relationships. The creation of new effective relations between union members creates properties that do not own any of the participants, which provides a comprehensive system of knowledge generation, transforming them into innovations, and further commercialization of the latter.
Thus, examining the experience of different countries for the development of cluster economy, it can be concluded that the cluster approach is the basis for a dialogue between science, business sector and the state can increase the effectiveness of their cooperation in the innovation process.
Keywords: cluster, clustering, tools, competitiveness, economy, globalization, development, cluster formation.
JEL Classification: М21.
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