JEL Classification: P510; R110; R580
Khvischun N., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Introduction. The profound transformational changes that have taken place in recent years in the system of administrative management of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine are aimed at expanding the capabilities of regional administrative structures, including from the standpoint of crisis management.
Purpose. Substantiation of economic security as an integral part of the crisis management system of socio-economic development of the region.
Results. In the article it has been proved that the regional economic interests and the need to protect them from various internal and external threats, which must be in line with the requirement to maintain a balance with national interests, are based on the economic security of the region as a category of its life. It has been determined that economic security of the territorial communities is the main forming element of the economic security of the region. In the system of crisis management of socio-economic development of the region, economic security as a system of actions is has been divided into components that characterize the level of security in each of the spheres of development in the region. The focus is on the study of the financial security of the region itself, which reflects the development of the financial system, which creates the necessary financial conditions for stable socio-economic development, ensures its stability to financial imbalances, creates conditions for maintaining the integrity and unity of the financial system. Economic security of the territorial community of the Trans Carpathian region characterizes an adequate level of security and the opportunity to create appropriate conditions for ensuring a uniform and stable development of all elements of the economic system.
Conclusions. It has been is proved that a satisfactory state of economic security is a guarantee of the availability of sufficient resources in the budgets of the territorial communities of the region, expansion of financial opportunities for the development of the territorial community, implementation of social and infrastructure projects, creation of conditions for business development, improvement of investment capital, development of a program of local development. Further research will address the development of a mechanism for crisis management of socio-economic development at the regional level.
Keywords: economic security, territorial communities, anti-crisis management.
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