JEL Classification: F2; F6; O1; P17. | DOI: |
Sholya Ruslana, applicant of the International economic relations Department, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6789-0835
Elements of Foreign Experience in Stimulating the Development of Entrepreneurship and Prospects for its Application in Ukraine
Introduction. The main elements of the support mechanism of entrepreneurship development throughout the world have been analyzed in the article. The necessity of continuous monitoring of the tools of entrepreneurship development activation at the state and regional levels in accordance with the transformations of the world economic environment has been emphasized. Such transformational changes impose new demands on economic processes at different levels – from micro to global. Ukraine, as a part of the world economy and international economic relations, while building an integration strategy of perspective development, must take into account the advantages and challenges of the global environment, including in the sphere of entrepreneurship, and adapt to them.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to consider the experience of activation the entrepreneurial activity of countries that have already created the appropriate effective mechanisms that can be applied in Ukraine.
Results. Attention of the author has been focused on the principles, which the enterprises of developed countries are orientated on. Each country chooses a priority principle on the basis of which to build an appropriate entrepreneurial strategy. It is important because each country has its own conditions, current status and goals for the development of the business sector. The US experience in support, development and stimulation of entrepreneurial initiatives has been analyzed. The institutional regulation of entrepreneurship in the United States, particularly the activity of the Small Business Administration, has been considered. Particular attention in the United States is attracted to women’s entrepreneurship, which performs economic and social functions, further elaborates gender issues. In general, the network of business development centers in the United States is a platform for cooperation between entrepreneurs, authorities, educational institutions and regional economic development organizations. The main aspects of entrepreneurship stimulating in Canada, Great Britain have been considered. The steps that are advisable to do in Ukraine in the field of activation of entrepreneurial activity based on the borrowing of foreign experience have been suggested.
Conclusions. If Ukraine adopts step-by-step measures, that will help to reduce the manifestation of the problems in the development of entrepreneurship, accelerates the reforms and increases the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives, there is the hope to increase interest in entrepreneurship and to intensify its development in the long run.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, foreign experience, innovation clusters, tax incentives, institutional support.
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Received: 27 May 2019
How to quote this article? |
Sholya R. (2019). Elements of Foreign Experience in Stimulating the Development of Entrepreneurship and Prospects for its Application in Ukraine. Modern Economics, 15(2019), 230-235. DOI: |