JEL Classification: А10; L23; O13; Q16. | DOI: |
Chornobay Larysa, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Business, Trade and Exchange Activities, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilia, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5122-1485
Mushenyk Iryna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Information Technology, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilia, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4379-7358
Essence, Significance and Features of the Infrastructure Agricultural Production
Abstract. Introduction. In modern conditions, agrarian production and its infrastructure operate in an aggressively competitive environment, in the context of their multivectoral motivational behavior, which causes the problem of ensuring the effectiveness of interaction between the industrial sphere and the infrastructure. In practice, economic relations between them are realized through a system of technical and technological support and the provision of production, marketing and information and consulting services for agricultural production.
Purpose. Formulated and substantiated scientific statements, conclusions and practical proposals are the basis for increasing the efficiency of economic activity of agricultural enterprises through the improvement of infrastructure maintenance.
Results. It is determined that the results of production activity in the agrarian sector depend on the degree of development of the service industries. Infrastructure acts as a factor in the intensification of the economy as a whole and agriculture in particular. It has been established that the concept of “infrastructure” in the agrarian sector should be treated as an aggregate of enterprises, institutions and services which, performing specific functions for each function, are not limited only to the maintenance of agricultural enterprises, but also ensure the development of rural areas within the limits of agricultural land use. The main purpose of the infrastructure is to provide a whole range of conditions and services to obtain the maximum possible results at all stages of the production process: to create a competitive environment in the agrarian sector of the economy, to preserve and develop the labor potential of the population, and to create favorable conditions for the production of material goods.
Conclusions. The results of production activity in the agrarian sector depend on the degree of development of its service industries. Infrastructure acts as a factor in the intensification of the economy, in general, and agriculture, in particular. Infrastructure management is an important part of the overall management of production efficiency.
Keywords: infrastructure; industrial infrastructure; market infrastructure; social infrastructure; infrastructural support; efficiency; agrarian sector of the economy.
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Received: 11 June 2019
How to quote this article? |
Chornobay L., Mushenyk I. (2019). Essence, Significance and Features of the Infrastructure Agricultural Production. Modern Economics, 15(2019), 218-223. DOI: |