JEL Classification: D83; L83; M30; M31 |
DOI: |
Ohiienko Alona, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5427-7978
e-mail: ogienko_alе
Expert Analysis during Events in Tourism
Annotation. Introduction. The article considers the process of forming decisions aimed to ensure the quality and effectiveness of events, which should be considered as a system of interconnected elements (factors) that can affect the holding of mass events. Carrying out of actions taking into account the factor signs influencing processes of advancement, the organization and carrying out of event actions on system of economic, information and social indicators, allows to establish interdependencies and to define in quantitative expression separate relations and combinations of influential factors. Analytical methods and economic-mathematical models are used for factor analysis. The purpose of the study is to increase the efficiency of event tourism events, by implementing the correct choice and variation of factors in the implementation of organizational processes. The methodological and informational basis of the article are scientific and theoretical works of scientists on research and analysis of expert evaluation methods. During the research we analyzed the methods of examination that can be used in assessing the processes of creating and promoting events. All these methods include: the method of expert evaluation “psychological experiment”, the method of survey, quantitative and qualitative evaluations of experts, direct quantitative evaluation, intermediate method, Churchman-Akoff method, von Neumann-Morgenstern method, lottery method and more. The study did not identify examples of the use of factor analysis in assessing the processes of creating and promoting events. In order to form decisions on the creation and implementation of tourist events, a roadmap of phased decision-making has been developed, and this allows to form the most effective solutions with rational use of resources and determine the conditions for reducing the risks of tourist events. Having studied the above methods, it was for the first time proposed to combine two, method namely, the method of expert assessments and the method of survey, all this will provide a complete detailed description of the factor influence on the creation and passage of the event.
Keywords: tourism; expert analysis; event tourism; influencing factors.
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Received: 23 October 2020
How to quote this article? |
Ohiienko A. (2020). Expert Analysis during Events in Tourism. Modern Economics, 23(2020), 161-168. DOI: |