JEL Classification: J 28; J 53. |
DOI: |
Kurepin Vyacheslav, Senior Lecturer, Professional Teaching Methods Department, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4383-6177
Features of Labor Protection Management System in Agricultural Enterprises: Economic Aspects of Development
Abstract. Introduction. The article considers the features of labor protection at the enterprise and its economic aspects of development. The management system of labor protection at the enterprise and elements of the management system of labor protection at the enterprise are considered. The directions of improvement of conditions and labor protection at the enterprise are formed. Theoretical generalization on substantiation of theoretical and methodical bases of system of management of labor protection of agrarian enterprises is carried out.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations of assessing the impact of obsolescence and inefficiency of the existing method of state regulation of labor protection on the efficiency of agricultural enterprises, identifying opportunities for a new national system of occupational risk prevention by implementing a risk-based approach to safety and health based on the principles of hazard elimination, assessment, control and risk management.
Results. The essential and substantive features of safety management at the enterprise, features of construction of the labor protection management system at the agricultural enterprises are determined. The current state of the labor protection management system of agricultural enterprises has been established. The influence of the external environment on the formation of the management system of labor protection of the enterprise is outlined. Strategies for compliance with the occupational health and safety management system at the enterprise have been identified.
Conclusions. Substantiated measures, levers and tools to prevent risks and threats of implementation of algorithms and procedures for management of labor management of the enterprise. Methodical bases of definition of level of conformity of the personnel of the agrarian enterprises to tasks of realization of programs of safe development of the enterprise are defined. A methodical approach to assessing the level of labor protection of agricultural enterprises is proposed, which is based on a comprehensive assessment of the risk factors of enterprise safety, which is carried out using modern methods of environmental analysis, expert assessment of internal trends in personnel management and economic and statistical assessment of system dynamics. labor protection management of the enterprise.
Keywords: agricultural enterprises; improvement of working conditions; labor protection management system; effective management mechanisms; safe condition.
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Received: 28 September 2021
How to quote this article? |
Kurepin V. Features of Labor Protection Management System in Agricultural Enterprises: Economic Aspects of Development. Modern Economics, 29(2021), 107-114. DOI: |