JEL Classification:Q13; Q14. |
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Tetiana Iakymchuk , PhD (Economics), Senior Lecturer of the Labor Economics and Management Department, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1138-118Х
Oleksandra Ralko, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity Department, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3634-6770
German Sirman, Master’s Degree on “Administrative Management”, Faculty of Agrarian Management, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2381-9310
Hazelnut Production in Ukraine and in the World: Analysis of Major Trends and Development Prospects
Abstract. Introduction. There is demand for hazelnuts among consumers in the world. Hazelnuts production in Ukraine is possible and is in accordance with the climatic conditions. So, it is relevant to consider the potential of domestic agricultural enterprises.
Purpose. To study the global and Ukrainian hazelnut market over the last five years, to characterize the peculiarities of hazelnut production in Ukraine and the prospects for increasing the supply of hazelnuts by domestic producers.
Results. In the article the analysis of the global hazelnut market over the last five years is conducted and as a result the increasing demand and supply in the market is identified. The lead countries among hazelnut producers are Turkey, the USA, Italy, Azerbaijan, Chile, Georgia and Iran. The analysis of the main exporters and importers in the market is conducted. The largest exporter is Turkey, the largest importers are Germany, Italy and France. Ukraine is one of the largest twenty hazelnut importers, and the dynamics of import corresponds to the dynamics of consumption. Over the 2016-2020 years, the consumption of hazelnuts in Ukraine has almost doubled and corresponded to world trends. The forecast of the global consumption of hazelnuts is built – it is expected to increase of 8.41% by 2025.
Ukrainian hazelnut market is analyzed and changes in the nut production have been revealed over the last five years: area of the industrial gardens have been increased, the first industrial gardens have started to bear the nut, and the first marketable batches of hazelnuts have harvested.
Conclusions. The global consumption of hazelnuts is forecast to grow. The domestic market at this stage is import-dependent, Ukraine has all opportunities to manage its own production and ensure not only domestic demand, but also the export of hazelnuts to foreign markets in the future.
Keywords: hazelnut; nut; market; export; import; consumption; production.
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Received: 19 July 2022
How to quote this article? |
Iakymchuk T., Ralko O., Sirman G. (2022). Hazelnut production in Ukraine and in the world: analysis of major trends and development prospects. Modern Economics, 34(2022), 132-137. DOI: |