JEL Classification: Е42. | DOI: |
Bazenko O. D., student, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Ruchynska N. S., PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of Department of Economic Cybernetics and Mathematical Modeling, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6670-5829
Implementation of E-government in Ukraine
Abstract. Introduction. The article reveals the experience of implementation and functioning of e-government in Ukraine. The problem of introducing e-government in Ukraine is becoming more relevant. It is gaining considerable political and economic weight due to the widespread use of ICT in public relations, the development of electronic payment systems, e-commerce, and so on. Scientists pay much attention to the issue of the introduction of e-government in public administration. Nowadays structural units are not able to meet the current needs for informatization of government offices and the introduction of “e-government”.
The purpose of writing this work is to study the introduction of e-government as a form of organization of public administration in Ukraine.
Results. It is established that the essence of e-government from the point of view of public administration allows to define it as an information system of interaction of power and society on the basis of a combination of internal government and external public infrastructure through the power of Internet representation, which expands the availability of state-management services and shortens the terms of their provision. The introduction and operation of any information and telecommunication systems in public authorities requires the mandatory development of regulatory acts. The idea of creating a general system approach to solving the problem of an information society have been creating since the first day of Ukraine’s independence. All developed countries try to change the maximum number of administrative and public services into an electronic format. This makes state administration effective, because the process of optimizing processes, interacting with electronic registers comes on the replacement of paper and civil servants. As a result, the state saves financial and human resources, shortens the time for handling appeals and making decisions.
Conclusions. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, the most frequent creation of such a system is limited to the presence of a website, which primarily performs only an information function. It can be predicted that the transition to “e-government” in our country will be more difficult than in European countries. The reason for this is the bureaucratic and conjuncture features.
Keywords: state administration, e-government, normative-legal support of electronic government.
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Received: 05 October 2019
How to quote this article? |
Bazenko O. D., Ruchynska N. S., (2019). Implementation of E-government in Ukraine. Modern Economics, 17(2019), 15-19. DOI: |