JEL Classification: D80, G32, O31.
Vereshchagina Ganna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Enterprises Management and Logistics, Sіmon Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Pliekhanova Tetiana, graduate student of the Department of Economics, Enterprises Management and Logistics, Sіmon Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Introduction. Search approaches to assessment and risk management was one of the priority directions of development of modern enterprises. That is why the study of the formation of enterprise risk management in terms of innovation and development of risk management systems in the enterprise is becoming increasingly relevant.
Purpose. The aim of this research is to identify the essence of the concept of «risk» and «risk management», to analyze of risk management functions and existing models of risk management, to generalize of risk management process for further minimization of negative consequences and reduce the probability of occurrence of risks in the process of economic activity of enterprises in terms of innovation.
Results. In the article the authors analyzed the main approaches to the definition of the concepts «risk» and «risk management». The main functions of risk management, namely forecasting (planning), organization, control, coordination and motivation, are analyzed, and their main characteristics are given. The combination of the performance of all risk management functions in the context of innovation activity allows us to characterize risk management from the viewpoint of a process management approach as a series of consistent management actions characterized by the following stages of the risk management process: analysis and identification, qualitative risk assessment, quantitative risk assessment, risk control, choice of optimization / avoidance or risk prevention methods, development of a management decision, decision-making, impact on risk, evaluation of results and their correcting. Features of existing risk management models and their distinctive features, as well as the main directions and methods of risk management are considered.
Conclusions. It is revealed that the process of risk management includes not only the methods for reducing the risk factors of innovation risk, but also the methods for using the opportunities that are planned to be considered in further research.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk management functions, risk management process, risk management models.
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