JEL Classification:G3; G22; G52; O32. | DOI: |
Borysiuk O. V., PhD (Economics) Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9411-4118
Datsyuk-Tomchuk M. B., PhD (Economics) Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Law, Lutsk Institute of Human Development of “Ukraine” University, Lutsk, UkraineLutsk, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9794-8943
Insurance Management in Conditions of Martial Law in Ukraine: Challenges and Perspectives
Abstract. Introduction. Insurance management under martial law in Ukraine is becoming an important topic in the context of current events. Military conflicts and security threats often create complex challenges for insurance companies, government agencies and citizens.
Purpose: This article will examine the key aspects of insurance management in martial law, including risks, protection strategies and development prospects.
Results: The topic of insurance management in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine is extremely relevant, especially taking into account current events. Military conflicts cause serious economic losses and security threats, which requires balanced strategies to ensure financial stability and protect the property and lives of citizens.
Some of the key challenges that arise in the context of insurance management under martial law in Ukraine include:
- Increased risk: Military conflict leads to increased risk for insurance companies due to property damage, injury and loss of life.
- The need for new products: The need for new types of insurance products that would take into account the specifics of the military conflict and its consequences.
- Financial stability: The importance of ensuring the financial stability of insurance companies during martial law.
- Regulatory issues: The need for thorough legal regulation to ensure honesty and transparency in the insurance market.
Regarding the prospects, opportunities and strategies for the development of insurance management under martial law, the following aspects can be distinguished:
- Development of new products: Creation of specialized insurance products for protection in conflict conditions.
- Partnership with the government: Cooperation with the government to develop effective strategies to protect people and property.
- Use of technology: Implementation of modern technologies for risk assessment and rapid response to them.
- Public awareness: Strengthening the information campaign about the importance of insurance protection in conflict conditions
Conclusions: Awareness of these challenges and prospects will allow to improve the insurance management system in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine and ensure more effective protection and support of citizens and businesses..
Keywords: insurance; insurance management; insurance activities; risk; risk management; martial law.
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Received: 13 June 2024
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Borysiuk O., Datsyuk-Tomchuk M. (2024). Insurance Management in Conditions of Martial Law in Ukraine: Challenges and Perspectives. Modern Economics, 45(2024), 12-18. DOI: |