JEL Classification: M 41, H 87 |
DOI: |
Kostyuchenko Valentyna, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Accounting and Taxation Department, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3121-842X
Polovyk Yevhenia, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3091-6242
International disclosure practices in reporting under COVID 19
Abstract. Introduction. The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced every country to impose strict measures to curb the spread of the virus, most countries have closed their borders, imposed restrictions on business, cut off transport, and these circumstances are extremely important for disclosure in financial statements, and complicate the process its compilation. Thus, these challenges and current conditions contribute to the importance of providing high quality information, as users of financial statements need timely, high quality and complete information, which is compiled through the prism of COVID-19 impact on the company, its financial condition, liquidity and future prospects.
Purpose. Generalization of international disclosure practices in financial statements under COVID-19 and recommendations for resolving problems arising from the pandemic and affecting the reporting of economic entities.
Results. Summarizing the recommendations provided in Australia and Belgium professional organizationsac, companies are required to disclose material uncertainties related to COVID-19 in their financial statements, including assessing the impact of the pandemic on the enterprise, identifying countermeasures taken and showing the impact on the Company’s future operations. For goodwill impairment tests and other vulnerable items, the disclosure of material assumptions should be provided in sufficient detail, together with a description of the approach to determining the value assigned to each key assumption. These include assumptions about the duration and intensity of the effects of the cessation of operations and the recovery phase. The entity will also need to explain the significant impact of COVID-19 on the risks associated with the financial instruments and how it manages those risks.
Conclusions. Having determined that the pandemic has a significant impact on the financial performance of companies around the world, we conclude that the burden of using the best, most accurate, truthful and accessible information in making sound and validated judgments and estimates that take into account the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: financial reporting, disclosure, international practice, pandemic, COVID-19.
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Received: 10 March 2021
How to quote this article? |
Kostyuchenko V., Polovyk Ye. (2021). International Disclosure Practices in Reporting under COVID-19. Modern Economics, 26(2021), 49-54. DOI: |