JEL Classification: F13; F15 |
DOI: |
Savchenko Maryna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, The Head of the Department of International Economic Relations, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9063-3551
Oryshko Daria, obtaining higher education, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6496-3821
International Integration Processes and Their Influence on the System of International Economic Relations
Abstract. Introduction. At the regional level, the process of identification, organization and modeling of integration efforts takes place, while at the global level these efforts are generalized. With the spread of their influence, regional organizations establish mechanisms of economic cooperation, which at the global level become a component of the international community. It was determined that in practice, the development of international economic integration associations includes elements of various stages of development, but it is clear that there is a transition from simpler forms to more complex and improved ones. These associations have different goals and levels of integration – from free trade to strong and deep political and economic integration.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the current state of international integration processes as an effective model of interaction between countries.
Results. The article examines the main forms and types of international integration processes, including: free trade, customs union, economic integration, common currency union, political and defense alliances, and regional integration alliances. International integration organizations play an important role in today’s world, promoting cooperation between countries and regions. Their influence extends to the economy, politics and socio-cultural development of their participants. It was determined that the modern process of international economic integration is formed under the influence of various factors of global development, among which globalization and regionalization occupy key places.
A comparative analysis of two integration groups from different parts of the world and with different indicators, such as NAFTA and JUDEAC, was conducted. Leaders in each of them, weak and strong sides of the economy are identified. Comparing the dynamics of GDP, export and import in two groups of integrated states, it was noted that these indicators are steadily growing in the NAFTA countries, with the USA in the role of leader. On the other hand, in the JUDEAC countries, these indicators are unstable and change rapidly. Key problems for the development of international associations were also substantiated, as well as prospects and ways for the further development of integration processes were explored. It is substantiated that the development of integration processes has become one of the characteristic features of the modern world. Their creation is necessary due to the fact that in the conditions of globalization, the material elements of the sovereignty of individual states are insufficient to protect their national interests and solve the problems they face at the current level and economic development.
Conclusions. Integration processes become a key factor in global economic development and establish stable economic ties between countries. Each of these integration models has its own specificity and direction determined by geopolitical and economic conditions..
Keywords: international associations; economy; free trade; integration; grouping; international economic relations; international economic integration; NAFTA; JUDEAC.
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Received: 06 April 2024
How to quote this article? |
Savchenko M., Oryshko D. (2024). International Integration Processes and Their Influence on the System of International Economic Relations. Modern Economics, 44(2024), 164-171. DOI: |