JEL Classification: E 29, G 24, H 20. | DOI: |
Bilichenko Olexandr, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5241-3195
Terianik Diana, graduate of higher education, specialty 071 Accounting and taxation, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0009-0007-2439-1869
Investments: Essence, Features, and Connection with the System of Incentives
Abstract. Introduction. This article examines the nature and characteristics of investment, along with its relationship to the system of incentives in the context of the modern economy.
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to analyze the various types of investments and the impact of tax incentives on investment activities.
Results. It was found that each type of investment has its own specifics, and the choice of the type of investment depends on the goal of the investor and the acceptable level of risk. For example, direct investments are suitable for those who seek stability and are ready to control their investment object, while portfolio investments are more attractive for investors who seek diversification and liquidity, but do not have the opportunity or desire to exercise direct control.
The system of economic privileges is an important tool that helps countries attract foreign capital and ensure sustainable economic development. An effectively implemented system of privileges allows countries to compete for investments and accelerate their integration into the global economy, creating conditions for the development of strategic industries and increasing employment.
It has been found that effective use of tax and other incentives can significantly increase investment activity in various sectors of the economy. The study identifies direct, portfolio and intellectual investment as key categories, while also examining the factors that influence investment decisions.
Conclusions. The results indicate that the development of preferential mechanisms can facilitate the attraction of foreign investment, which positively affects the economic growth of the country. This article contributes to the understanding of investment policy and incentive mechanisms, providing valuable insights for policy makers and stakeholders in the investment sector.
Keywords: investments; incentive system; economy; tax incentives; investment activity; foreign investments; economic growth.
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Received: 27 November 2024
How to quote this article? |
Bilichenko O., Terianik D. (2024). Investments: Essence, Features, and Connection with the System of Incentives. Modern Economics, 48(2024), 5-12. DOI: |