JEL Classification: M 11; M 12; M 13; D 70; D 81; Q12. | DOI: |
Henchevska Viktoriia, PhD student of the Department of Management Technologies, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6305-8782
Justification of the Concept of Management and Research of the Impact of this Process in Ensuring the Economic Security of Agricultural Firms
Abstract. Introduction. Modern threats, crisis phenomena, variability of the market environment have a negative impact on activity indicators, financial condition, results of work of agricultural enterprises and determine the urgent need to increase the level of their economic security. The implementation of an effective management process for ensuring economic security allows to apply measures for identification and neutralization of threats, methods of maintaining the desired level of economic security, which will ensure the stability of work of agricultural enterprises and determine the prospects for their future development.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is the research, analysis, generalization and systematization of existing theoretical approaches to understanding the management of economic security of the enterprise and the management of the provision of economic security of the enterprise, and on the basis of the works of leading predecessors – a detailed analysis of the nature, characteristics and importance of the management of the provision of economic security of the enterprise, in particular, at the level of an agricultural enterprise.
Results. The article conducts research, analysis, generalization and systematization of existing theoretical approaches to understanding the management of the economic security of the enterprise and the management of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise, the similarities and differences between these two concepts are highlighted. A detailed analysis of the nature, characteristics and significance of the management of the economic security of the enterprise, especially at the level of an agricultural enterprise, was conducted. The author’s vision of the interpretation of the categories “management of the economic security of an agricultural enterprise” and “management of ensuring the economic security of an agricultural enterprise” is proposed and substantiated. The main principles in the process of management of economic security of agricultural enterprises are considered and presented, and their importance is substantiated. The main stages of the management process of ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises are defined.
Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the article substantiates the concept of management and examines the influence of this process on ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises. It was determined that the management of economic security is a continuous process of data collection and analysis within the framework of a specially created algorithm of actions, on the basis of which management decisions are made by the management of the enterprise with the aim of the most effective use of all available resources of the enterprise to ensure stable, long-term and maximally profitable enterprise activity and its economic security.
Keywords: management; economic security; ensuring economic security; principles; stages of management; agricultural enterprise; enterprise.
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Received: 05 November 2024
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Henchevska V. (2024). Justification of the Concept of Management and Research of the Impact of this Process in Ensuring the Economic Security of Agricultural Firms. Modern Economics, 48(2024), 13-22. DOI: |