JEL Classification: M 21; C 10; M 41. | DOI: |
Ostapenko Yana, Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor of Managerial Accounting, Business Analytics and Statistics Department, University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9386-2237
Morozovsky Pavlo, graduate student of Managerial Accounting, Business Analytics and Statistics Department, University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0874-9935
Braunahel Andrii, student of Education and Research Institute of Economics, Taxation and Customs Affairs, University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine
Management decision-making through the prism of economic and statistical analysis of income
Introduction. The financial results take a central place in the enterprise management system. The revenues and expenses are economic categories, the level of which determines the size of profit and profitability of the enterprise. In the process of financial and economic analysis of the activity of an industrial enterprise, the tasks which associated with the searching for reserves for cost reduction and with the increasing on this basis of the volume of output and result of the activity (that is net income) are solved. The main area of analysis is economic and statistical analysis. The methodology of this analysis allows determining the potential capabilities of the entity, its internal reserves, the using of which will allow achieving positive changes in financial activity.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the methods of economic and statistical analysis of enterprise income on the example of the Public Company “Teremno Hlib” and to show the importance of this analysis for management decision-making.
Results. It is substantiated and proved the importance of applying the economic and statistical analysis of income of industrial enterprise for making optimal managerial decisions. A correlation-regression and factor analysis of financial results of the Public Company “Teremno Hlib” was conducted, the results of which determined that the influential indicators of net income from sales of products at the enterprise are the volume of sales and production costs. In 2017 the income of the company increased by 20469 thousand UAH due to the increase in production volume and sales of products and it indicates the quality of profitability. But net profit decreased by 1311 thousand UAH due to increased administrative and sales expenses as well as other expenses. The activities to reduce costs and increase the production volume and sales of products, activity for pricing policy and continuous monitoring of the market will contribute to increasing the income and profitability of the enterprise.
Keywords: аn income; аn economic analysis; a statistical analysis; a correlation-regression analysis; а balance method; a factor analysis; an analysis of enterprise income; management decision-making.
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Received: 12 April 2019
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Ostapenko Yana, Morozovsky Pavlo, Braunahel Andrii (2019). Management decision-making through the prism of economic and statistical analysis of income. Modern Economics, 14(2019), 218-224. DOI: |