JEL Classification: L26, M31. | DOI: |
Solopun Nataliya, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8958-9303
Marketing Components of Enterprise Potential as a Subsidiary to Business Expansion
Abstract. Introduction. The article considers the actual points of the entrepreneurial potential forming in the current conditions of economic life with the involvement of marketing tools in order to expand the horizons of economic activity of business entities.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of realization of business potential in the newest economic conditions, in particular the possibility of influence of the increased business potential on the process of transition to a higher level of functioning.
Results. The article deals with the important role of entrepreneurial potential for enterprises of any organizational and legal form. The views of outstanding scientists on the theoretical aspects of entrepreneurial potential are explored. The issues of the important role of business scaling are considered as the key to achieving stable competitive positions in the market. The paper emphasizes the important role of the active development of factors that determine the development of human capital, in particular creativity, intelligence, innovation, ability to risk, etc.
The paper states that the main reason why a business in the expansion process is failing is a false or insufficiently accurate understanding of the ideas of its business. Therefore, the article suggests the use of new approaches to improving their own presence on the market, in particular through the entrepreneurial potential transformation, which can be achieved with the help of marketing components of entrepreneurial activity. In particular, the use of the «human-centric approach» to the formation of the modern direction of forming customer relations and emphasized the fact that the transformational processes of the modern economy from the market of goods to the market of impressions, which leads to further growth of the importance of such a group of value indicators for the client as Customer Value, in particular Customer Experience.
In addition, in the proposed work, an important role in the structure of the entrepreneurial potential of such qualities as physical attractiveness (brand identity, etc.), intelligence, sociability, emotionality, personality, morality, etc. was noted. The necessity of introducing both new tools of production and value propositions (CX-design) and modern models of management of this process (CX-management) is emphasized.
Conclusions. The current achievements of science in the field of entrepreneurial potential building and business expansion testify the important role of marketing activities. Using knowledge of the behavioral economy, in particular the use of a human-oriented approach, will enable the company to improve the design of user experience and strengthen its own entrepreneurial potential.
Keywords: entrepreneurial potential; expansion; marketing; client experience; «human-centric approach».
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Received: 04 April 2019
How to quote this article? |
Solopun Nataliya (2019). Marketing Components of Enterprise Potential as a Subsidiary to Business Expansion. Modern Economics, 14(2019), 258-263. DOI: |