JEL Classification: A22. |
DOI: |
Yablunovska К., assistant of the department of methods of professional training of the Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5215-1594
Method of Formation of Environmental Competence During the Teaching of Economic Disciplines by Means of Interactive Learning Technologies
Abstract. Introduction. The article highlights modern methods of forming environmental competence in the process of teaching economic disciplines with the help of interactive learning technologies, which are due to various factors. The content of the concepts of “competence” and “environmental competence” in the context of the study is analyzed by conducting an extended excursion on the interpretation of these concepts in pedagogical practice. Ecologically literate person has a high level of ecological knowledge, developed ecological thinking, in his behavior is guided by the priority of ecological values, considers his profession as an effective means of improving the environment and solving environmental problems. The article considers the approaches to the definition of “competence”, “environmental competence” and on their basis identifies the role, importance and ways of forming environmental competence in the teaching of economic disciplines with the use of interactive technologies. The relevance of the chosen topic is justified by the lack of interdisciplinary and regional approaches to the formation of environmental competence of higher education seekers based on the introduction of interactive technologies. The efficiency of formation of ecological competence in the process of professional training of future specialists in the economic sphere with the help of interactive learning technologies is proved. The basic rules of the organization of interactive learning are specified, shortcomings of application of interactive methods in educational process by teachers are covered. The stages of interactive teaching methods are defined and substantiated.
Purpose. The aim of the article is to find out the possibilities of forming students’ environmental competence with the help of interactive learning technologies.
Results. The importance of interactive teaching methods that use situational environmental tasks is emphasized. It is revealed that the use of interactive methods and technologies allows to intensify the assimilation and creative application of theoretical material; gives the chance to model ecological life situations by the person; to involve students in solving environmental problems, making environmentally responsible decisions, gaining experience in environmental protection.
Conclusions. The possibility of using interactive technologies in the training of applicants is analyzed and argued. The basic rules for the introduction of interactive learning technologies in the structure of higher education institutions in the process of training future specialists in the economic sphere have been formed and proposed.
Keywords: competence; environmental competence; economic sphere; interactive technologies; educational process.
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Received: 05 April 2022
How to quote this article? |
Yablunovska К. (2022). Method of formation of environmental competence during the teaching of economic disciplines by means of interactive learning technologies. Modern Economics, 32(2022), 104-108. DOI: |