JEL Classification: M16, M2. | DOI: |
Kramar Iryna, PhD (in Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Finance, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5768-988X
Methodological Approach to the Development of Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Industrial Enterprises Internationalization
Abstract. Introduction Taking into account the role of economic entities in national economy structure, as well as the relationship between the economic situation in the country and the state of entrepreneurship in it, we consider as an urgent task to ensure the enterprises development – increasing the efficiency of their potential usage in the process of internationalization, because at present times, internationalization is not only a choice, but an objective reality and necessity. The article proposes to use elastic tools for managing internationalization processes in order to ensure their adaptation to changing economic conditions.
The purpose of the article is to improve the methodological approach to the development of organizational and economic mechanism of industrial enterprises internationalization and create the organizational and economic mechanism of industrial enterprises internationalization with the purpose of maintenance their activities efficiency, which includes three types: economic, organizational and social.
Results. It is shown that the implementation of this mechanism allows to achieve all three types of enterprise activity efficiency which provides the synergetic result – possibility to start foreign economic activity, its expansion or realization of internationalization in the country of origin. A situational polycriteria approach to the development of a mechanism for managing industrial enterprises internationalization is proposed. The indicator of internationalization level is offered – the multiplicative coefficient of internationalization (MCI), which is based on a combination of subcriteria of the enterprise activity in the context of internationalization.
Conclusions. Thus, the improved methodology for the development of organizational and economic mechanism of industrial enterprises internationalization (OEMIEI) allowed the construction of OEMIEI in order to ensure the effectiveness of enterprises activities. The OEMIEI organizational component leads to the development of corporate culture; social and environmental responsibilities; development of human capital and emergence of a new phenomenon – “global worker”. These qualitative characteristics provide organizational and social efficiency, which allow to assess the real internationalization of the enterprise. It is determined that the economic component of the mechanism provides respectively the economic efficiency of the industrial enterprise activity.
Keywords: methodology, internationalization, situational approach, organizational and economic mechanism, activity efficiency, neuro-network programming.
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Received: 17 June 2019
How to quote this article? |
Kramar I. (2019). Methodological Approach to the Development of Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Industrial Enterprises Internationalization. Modern Economics, 15(2019), 122-128. DOI: |