JEL Classification: C 13, M 11, M 12 |
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Yemelyanov Olexandr, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Investment, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1743-1646
Methodological Bases for Assessing the Development Potential of Enterprises` Management Personnel
Abstract. Introduction. The success of enterprises depends on many factors. One of the most important among them is the level of managers’ competencies. This level directly determines the quality of management decisions that are made and implemented at enterprises, and, accordingly, determines the efficiency of using their resources. Under such conditions, the assessment of the development potential of the managerial staff of enterprises based on the analysis of their competencies makes it possible to simultaneously establish reserves for improving the performance of these enterprises.
Purpose. This study aims at developing and testing methodological principles for assessing the development potential of the enterprises` management personnel based on the analysis of management competencies.
Results. Approaches to grouping the main competencies of employees of the enterprise management subsystem have been established. The necessity to determine the list of partial managerial competencies for each general managerial competence has been substantiated. It has been shown that for this purpose it is possible to apply the method of dividing the general administrative competence into separate stages of its realization. The sequence of diagnosing the level of competencies of the employees of the enterprise management subsystem has been offered. An indicator for assessing the managers’ level by the entire set of general competencies has been developed. Grading of separate characteristics of special competences of the employees of the enterprise management subsystem has been offered. Peculiarities of diagnosing managerial competencies concerning the substantiation of planned indicators of the enterprise activity have been determined. The obtained results have been tested on the example of a number of enterprises.
Conclusions. Assessing the development potential of the enterprises` management personnel should include identifying opportunities to improve certain general and special competencies of managers of these enterprises. For this purpose, it is necessary to identify the main competencies, establish the relationship between them, and perform their quantification. To solve these problems, the methodological principles of assessing the development potential of the enterprises` management personnel, developed in this paper, can be used.
Keywords: enterprise; management personnel; potential; development; assessment; competence.
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Received: 23 September 2020
How to quote this article? |
Yemelyanov O. (2020). Methodological Bases for Assessing the Development Potential of Enterprises` Management Personnel. Modern Economics, 23(2020), 56-61. DOI: |