JEL Classification: M 12, M 54. |
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Makarenko Serhii, Doctor of Economic Science, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Economics, Management and Administration Department, Kherson State University, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9929-8967
Oleksenko Yana, PhD student of Economics, Management and Administration Department, Kherson State University, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4954-0545
Likanova Anna, graduate of the Faculty of Business and Law, Kherson State University, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3501-8468
Modern Features оf Personnel Development Assessment
Abstract. Introduction. In today’s business environment, the most important component of permanently improving the efficiency of the entity of any form of ownership is to ensure maximum compliance with the qualification level of training and ethical conduct of employees to the requirements of the relevant positions provided by the entity structure.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to systematize the views of domestic and foreign scientific society, which will identify key issues and provide recommendations for the formation of an optimal system for assessing the level of staff development.
Results. It was found that the introduction of innovative methods to identify key factors of influence and assess the level of staff development is one of the main activities, the implementation of which will maximize staff productivity and total profits from business activities. A conceptual model of managerial decision-making on the formation and implementation of personnel development strategy has been developed, which allows comprehensive and systematic consideration of the evaluation and development of a coordinated strategy for employee development in symbiosis with the general objectives of the entity. It is proposed to determine the integrated indicator of the level of competitiveness of the employee by taking into account the integrated indicators of the levels of its value for the enterprise, development during the study period and within the relevant group.
Conclusions. It is proved that the introduction of an informed methodology for assessing the level of personal development is a key element in the formation and implementation of optimal strategy for staff development, taking into account the interests of the enterprise. This will not only introduce an informed method of remuneration and career advancement, but also help reduce the number of industrial conflicts, ensure team cohesion, as only by increasing their own quantitative and qualitative indicators of activity, improving psychological and physiological conditions and results of teamwork, the employee will be able to maximize the overall level of competitiveness and the level of remuneration.
Keywords: management; personnel; innovation; competitiveness; integrated indicator; assessment.
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Received: 17 December 2021
How to quote this article? |
Makarenko S. , Oleksenko Ya. (2021). Modern features оf personnel development assessment. Modern Economics, 30(2021), 141-146. DOI: |