JEL Classification: D 200; D 290; D 510; F150; M110.
Chumak Larysa, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Organization of the Activity of Business Entities, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7881-8468
Hrushovets Yuliia, master student of Department of Economics and Organization of the Activity of Business Entities, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kurylo Oksana, master student of Department of Economics and Organization of the Activity of Business Entities, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Modern Ways of Increasing the Competitiveness of Domestic Enterprises
Abstract. Introduction. The current economic reality in the country is nowadays need of changes in the activities of business entities in the direction of achieving the requirements of European quality production, which forces companies to worry about competitiveness, its enhancement and management. The problem is complicated because some of the existing enterprises do not have the prospects of achieving a competitive position without global, fundamental changes (for example, reengineering), another part of enterprises needs significant innovations in material resources and technologies, and a very small percentage of enterprises have positive results in search of competitive advantages. Each company, from any part, needs a lot of investment to solve the problem of increasing its competitiveness.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to summarize the stages of the process of managing the competitiveness, identifying relevant approaches to managing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises.
Results. The stages of enterprise competitiveness management are generalized and characterized. The factors characterizing the competitive environment and competitiveness of the enterprise, methods for assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise are analyzed. The current ways of increasing competitiveness of the state and enterprises are highlighted. The general direction of increasing competitiveness of domestic enterprises is determined. Measures to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise are proposed.
Conclusions. Increasing competitiveness requires an assessment of the possibilities and ways of integration into the European economy, the search for sources of solutions to internal market problems, scaling up and the search for reorganization tools, changing approaches to management, etc., that is, a change in the course for innovation development. For most domestic enterprises, the adoption of an innovative way of development and the solution of all problems associated with it, is possible only through investment, creating investment attractiveness. This requires additional research, analysis and definition of the implementation measures.
Keywords: competitiveness of the enterprise; factors of influence; indicators of competitiveness; competitive advantages; innovative development.
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Стаття надійшла до редакції: 13.12.2018
How to quote this article? |
Chumak, L., Hrushovets, Y. & Kurylo, O. (2018). Modern Ways of Increasing the Competitiveness of Domestic Enterprises. Modern Economics, 12, 208-212. DOI: |