JEL Classification: M14, J28.
Zanora Volodymyr, Ph.D. (Economics), Doctoral Candidate, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Organizational Culture of the Enterprise: Project
Approach to Forming in the Conditions of Industry 4.0
Abstract. Introduction. The problem of the enterprises economic activity effectiveness that operating in various spheres under the conditions of the Industry 4.0 is traditionally relevant in view of the efforts of organizational structures to ensure higher efficiency and development of the organization due to the increasing volatility of external and internal conditions. Organizational culture is a significant factor, which not only influences the formation of the enterprise personnel potential, but also determines its innovative development.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the category «enterprise’s organizational (corporate) culture» and to form the theoretical and methodical basis for its formation through the use of the project approach.
Results. It is determined, that the separate organizational (corporate) culture of a certain enterprise is unique. It is proposed to define organizational (corporate) culture as an instrument of effective management of the enterprise’s economic activity. The basic principles of the enterprise’s organizational culture are singled out. The basic approaches to its construction are defined. The use of the project approach to the formation of the enterprise’s organizational culture is proposed. The general structural-logical scheme of management stages of the organizational project of formation enterprise’s organizational culture is presented.
Conclusions. The research has shown the importance of organizational (corporate) culture for each subject of economic activity, since it significantly influences its effectiveness, innovation development. It is noted that the only form of organizational (corporate) culture for any enterprise does not exist. The essence and interpretation of the category «organizational (corporate) culture» is considered. Using such an instrument as an enterprise’s organizational culture is an important prerequisite to providing innovative development of the enterprise under the Industry 4.0 conditions.
Keywords: organizational culture; corporate culture; enterprise; personnel; management; project management.
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Received: 17 December 2018
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Zanora, V. (2018). Organizational culture of the enterprise: project approach to forming in the conditions of industry 4.0. Modern Economics, 12, 87-92. DOI: |